View Full Version : Childrens Projects

6th December 2008, 08:12 PM
I am looking for some simple projects for a 10 year old boy who has not used any tools before . Can anybody point me to some simple toys or whatever .



7th December 2008, 09:32 AM
Hi, I always reckon one of the best projects is a small toolbox. Check out Better Homes and Gardens - this page in particular (http://au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/b/better-homes-gardens/425/diy-projects-for-kids/), some fun ideas there.


7th December 2008, 12:21 PM
That's the idea Peter, hook ém young.:):)

Remember, he doesn't have to do everything himself, but it will still be his work.

7th December 2008, 08:49 PM
Best bet I'd say is go to your local library and get a book woodworking projects for kids... or might be to make with kids.... they'll be able to point you in the right direction.
I remember seeing it and there are around 10 or so simple and fun things to do .... great starter!
From simple nail boards..... lots of nailing to learn the use of a hammer... and when done it can be used to make designs using rubberbands.
There were simple saw horses looking like a horse... bug cages and games! Just wish I'd remember the full name.... I'm sure your library or bookstore will have something in that direction tho.
Let the boy help choose what he wants to do.... that'll keep the interest going much better. Let him help redesing, make anything he makes really his!


Alan Scrivner
7th December 2008, 10:31 PM
I'm a cubscout leader for group of 9-year olds, so I was faced with a similar issue, but needed 10 of them. I chose a simple tool box. My thoughts were that the boys needed to do something fairly simple to gain some confidence, and I wanted something useful and practical. Each box uses a 6-foot 1x6, held together with cheap drywall screw, so it made it pretty economical too (sorry about the non-metric). It''s not fancy, but the boys loved it.
Sides - - 17.5 inches
Bottom - - 16 inches
Ends - - 5.5x~10
I couldn't find any cheap dowels for the handle, so I turned them from some pine 2x4's. If I had to do it again, I'd splurge for the dowels, as it was a lot of work for 10 of them. But, I was trying to keep costs down.


8th December 2008, 12:12 PM
Thanks everyone for those helpful comments . We will have some fun for sure.


8th December 2008, 12:28 PM
Do a search in the toy shops for a bunch of toy called "WOODWORX" They are toys made from wood, they get to paint and glue together.