View Full Version : is hobby woodworking fundamentally boring?????????

2nd May 2004, 01:07 PM
settle down, I have toungue firmly in cheek!!

However I cant help but wonder if it is the fact that woodworking is boring OR is it the fact that I am so inspired I keep getting sidetracked.

Does anyone else have the problem of heading out to the shed with a particular job in mind and end up doing something totally different. And this seems to happen every time I go out. I will start on the job at hand but always seem to think of something else to do during the "breather period" as a result I seem to always have at least 5 jobs on the go...................................please doc I need help:D

2nd May 2004, 01:59 PM
naaa mate you're not getting bored
you only have 5 jobs on the go

2nd May 2004, 02:07 PM
ONLY 5, whats wrong with you???????
