View Full Version : Retirement

2nd May 2004, 05:07 PM
Hi all
I am only 49, and I cant wait until I can afford to retire.
At the moment I just dont know where I get the time from to go to work.
I have that much to do at home, I can keep busy full time doing woodwork, organizeing my shed, lazing around, reading the paper, renovating the house, talking to you guys etc. etc.
Not that going to work is a chore, or a hassle, I just cant find the time to fit work in with my busy lifestlye.
Anyone else with this problem, or is it just me?

Cheers, Al http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/ups/sicdeth/headscratch.gif

2nd May 2004, 06:37 PM
Hi Al

I retired last June and I used to love work but since I retired I don't know what I loved about it.

If I had known how good it was I would have done it 40 years ago but as I said you don't have to be old to retire you just have to be wealthy.

2nd May 2004, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by ozwinner
I am only 49, and I cant wait until I can afford to retire.

Al, if Howard has his way you will have to wait another 21 years untill you can experience this joy.


2nd May 2004, 08:17 PM
Howard is not haveing his wicked way with me. :eek:


2nd May 2004, 09:08 PM
When I hit 41 I'm retiring (though it probably won't be permanently).

I'm fed up with 6 hours per day travel to and from work,

<12 page rant against CityRail deleted>

so now the mortgage is gone, I'm going to spend time with
a) my family, and
b) me!


Sir Stinkalot
2nd May 2004, 09:10 PM
26 on Tuesday and already counting the days to retirement. I am so looking forward to moving into the old folks home.

2nd May 2004, 10:20 PM
I retired 4 years ago after 40 add years in a job I loved and enjoyed going to every day.

I dont miss it one bit. I have new friends,new hobbies new clubs and enough to keep me as busy as I want to be.

Read the morning paper at 7am instead of 5am.

I now dont know how I found time to go to work.

To make it realy enjoyable I got a redundancy I couldnt say no to.

Retire as soon as you can.


:D :D :D

2nd May 2004, 10:22 PM
Last Monday when i arrived at work there was an email calling for expressions of interest in voluntary redundancies. Reluctantly, I fought my way to the front of the queue over the beaten and bloodied bodies of those who had been in front of me!

Perhaps I can use my jobsearch allowance to by a new tablesaw>

2nd May 2004, 10:47 PM
I was retired at 48-ish on medical grounds - brain failure. Lucky for me I had/have a very good Super scheme, and I'm doing OK finanacially, although I can't afford the factory unit & tools to fill it ;-(

After the brain fail, I have found that I was getting as much or more done on my days off from my job than I am getting done in retirement - watching the plants grow seems just too attractive I s'pose.

I think for some of us, the pressure of only having a few days to do something in is a better than an indefinite time scale.

3rd May 2004, 01:08 PM
I retired at the age of 32 (or that’s what my wife calls it) now age 40 (tomorrow), actually I found a business that means I only have to work 2 days a week and still earn a pretty respectable wage, unfortunately there is no room for expansion in the business so I’m a bit stagnated but spoiled if you get what I mean. loads of time for hobbies though. I’m now exploring new and different business ideas so my “retirement” may soon end.

Having been self employed since 18 I find it hard to believe and am filled with admiration for people who can find the time and commitment to go to work from 9 to 5 at all let alone 5 or 6 days a week and only for wages.

Best wishes Dave

3rd May 2004, 02:55 PM
I retired at 45 and haven't looked back since.

It's the best thing you could do if you are able - I also agree there are not enough hours in a day now to complete all my 'tasks'.

But then I might have a 'sickie' one day, 'slipper day' another and then maybe take a 'roster day' and by then I 'need to' have a couple of 'days off' for R & R so my week gets taken up pretty quickly. :D :D