View Full Version : Melbourne WW Show

5th May 2004, 09:41 PM
Hi all
With the Melbourne WW show fast approaching I have to think what to get for my wifes birthday, as it happens her birthday always falls on the WW show.
A couple of years ago I got her a generater, and an air compressor.
Then one year a band saw.
Then last year she got two beautiful slabs of Silky Oak, and an assortment of small tools.
I realy dont know why I bother, she hasnt used any of them, so I use them for her, kind person that I am, I mean, I'm not going to let them go to waste.
So.............What to get her this year?
Any suggestions?
No she doesnt need a new husdand, she hasnt finished the one she's got, and she's not getting a new one until she does.

Al :)

Ben from Vic.
5th May 2004, 09:55 PM
There's only one thin for it, you'll have to get her the new Festool OF1400 router, it's just been realeased OS and may be available over here by then.

It fits in between the two current routers (OF 1010 and OF 2000) and should be around the low $700 mark.


Ben. :D

No, really, I'm not joking.

6th May 2004, 08:12 AM
That reminds me, I am thinking of getting a Festool ROS, the 3mm version.
Maybe she would like that?


6th May 2004, 06:43 PM
Perhaps yu could show her a drawing of a peice of furniture, like a sewing table, that she would really like but you cant build until you have another peice of equipment, like maybe the Anglemate for the drawer dovetails, or the Leigh FMT for all those mortice and tennon joints you will need to do. You could even use one of those peices of Silky in the top?
Yours from experience

6th May 2004, 07:39 PM
My wife's birthday is a little before the show and I just asked what she would like. She said a lathe. I have a wife who understands.

6th May 2004, 09:47 PM
Hey Al

What a lucky women to have such a thoughtful and carring husband.(albeit though another bricklayer)
Some women truley do not appreciate how lucky they are.
Now after such ungratfulness in previous years why not just grab the bull by the horns,or the cow by the udders(can I say that)and throw all caution to the wind and just buy her a slab of your, 0op's I mean her favourite "BEER".
Trust me she'll/kids/visitors/perhaps maybe you will love it.
Silky oak & small tools, amazing.

cheers pj

if all else fails drink the slab put your "thong" on and give her a randition of happy birthday mr (mrs) President.

Greg Hudson
7th May 2004, 02:54 AM
G'Day Al.
How about a 1HP Magno dust extractor?
I know where there's one available (for the right price) :-)

Regards, Greg.

P.S. Still haven't used it in anger yet !

Greg Hudson
7th May 2004, 02:56 AM
G'Day again Al.
When and where is the Melb WW Show on ?

Regards, Greg.

Kev Y.
7th May 2004, 03:23 AM
Greg,, the T&WW show is on the following dates:

Fri 15 - Sun 17 October

Jeffs shed is the location.

or look here for other info.



Greg Hudson
7th May 2004, 10:33 AM
Thanks Brudda.

Regards, Greg.