View Full Version : ennnie meeenie

29th January 2001, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the welcome Iain.
you are all mad are'nt you, I don't think I
will stand out in this crowd.
I need advice please. We have decided to sell
a block of land we have had it for 8yrs, for 8 yrs I have been doing ennnie meeenies on the red cedar trees, (how do you reconcile
being a tree hugger and allso looking at every tree as a possible table etc.)
Question is do I cut down the short trunked
long armed one or do I cut the big tall bloke
crik your neck type or what about the very old jokers. other words is timber better
grained as a teenager or an old fella.
No jokes about ennie meeenies on the trees
either, forgot who I was talking to.

31st January 2001, 03:11 AM
Lynette, Take the old fella and let the teenager grow to an old fella.

John Saxton
31st January 2001, 08:25 PM
Careful what you're sayin' there Jamesy there are a lot old beat up blokes on this BB that also think like that!!!