View Full Version : Shooting board questions

10th May 2004, 01:42 PM
I did a search on shooting board plans and only found a few old threads and the links to plans no longer worked so I hope people will bear with me on this.

I would like to make a shooting board and would appreciate being pointed towards some good plans. I did a Google search but nothing of interest showed up.

I assume that the shooting board is actually giving the sqaureness to the edge and the length of the plane is giving the straightness. Is this correct?

10th May 2004, 06:08 PM
That's not quite like I understand it.

First the shooting board has two flat surfaces with a 5mm step between the two. Both surfaces are parallel to each other. The piece being planed is clamped to the upper surface with the minimum amount of the edge overlapping the step.

It is critical that the plane iron is at 90 degrees to the side surface of the plane. If it is not, then the piece being planed will end up with a bevel. When the plane shoots the board, the side of the plane is held flush to the lower level of the board thus cutting a right angle on the edge of the piece. Successive passes are made until the plane makes no more shavings. The step stops the plane from cutting. So both the squareness of the edge and the straightness is determined by the shooting board.

At least, that's how I see it. :)

10th May 2004, 07:31 PM
What DBP said. If you can wait 'til next week, I'll get a photo of my home made one & post it (unless someone already has one).

10th May 2004, 10:53 PM

Everything that you wanted to know about shooting boards but were too afraid to ask:


Regards from Perth


11th May 2004, 03:38 PM
Thanks for the link Derek it looks great. I'll spend a few nights absorbing it
