View Full Version : Hard wearing glossy finish for pens

13th May 2004, 09:57 AM
What is a hard wearing glossy finish siutable for pens?
I am not keen on a twopack product but anything else will be considered.
Also, does anyone know about disloving polystyrene in thinners? Is this a useable product and any comments or information on this is also interesting.

Cheers, Peter S

13th May 2004, 10:20 AM
what about a clear polyurethane one pack ? it is thinned by turps and dries rock hard and glossy. Try Watty,l you can get some very small containers (500ml) from bunnies for about $12.

Kev Y.
13th May 2004, 08:25 PM
I generally use NEIL's polish for my pens, and dont believe I have ever seen a pen finished with any thing other

As for the Polystyrene, you need to be careful doing this, it does give off some fumes which are probably not too good for you, HOWEVER, I have used this brew myself as a sanding sealer, and it appears to work ok