View Full Version : what do u make from offcuts?

15th May 2004, 09:34 PM
i made about 20 of these today.


15th May 2004, 10:20 PM
i made them from jarrah, sheoak, marri, and beech.
They are 74 x 140

16th May 2004, 12:06 AM
Well,..... I made this (after I made a Rosewood & Silver Ash work bench for the father-in-law) out of the off cuts & what I had lying around.
It's mainly black Wattle & Rosewood with some White Cedar that was too small for the job intended. :p



16th May 2004, 09:50 AM
OK Major Panic you win, no worrys.

Very nice.:) :) :) :) :)

Cheers, Al

16th May 2004, 02:27 PM
Very impressive work Mr Panick

I'm very impressed by the tiled floor in your workshop too, not one spec of dust :D

But seriously you keep all your router bits etc in there? and in the house?

Cheers Dave

16th May 2004, 03:49 PM
in the adelaide art gallery there is a circular table with thousands of inlayed 'offcuts' which are resemble a giant trangluar style jigsaw. made in about 1880 or something - all hand cut obviously. truly inspiring. all timber are local to the area as i recall.

16th May 2004, 06:22 PM
But seriously you keep all your router bits etc in there? and in the house?

Hi Ya Dave

The Drill/Router Bit Cabinet has been ordered to stay where it is until I make a piece of furniture to replace it by SWMBO :p
I'm in the middle of building the workshop & aren't ready to dive into all the furniture I have to make.

16th May 2004, 07:09 PM
Major Panic
Good use of scraps!!!!!!

But what can you do with a good length of timber??????????

16th May 2004, 09:24 PM
Major Panic
Good use of scraps!!!!!!

But what can you do with a good length of timber??????????

Here is an example;

Presentation Workbench in Rosewood, Silver Ash, Black Wattle & Nth Silky Oak


Part of a bedroom suite I made for a mate in Black Wattle

or visit my site (http://www.majorpanic.com/woodwork.htm)

16th May 2004, 09:53 PM
Very nice work,
I have visited your website before.

But it just shows the occupational hazard of being a craftsman

The missus locks up the router cabinet and yer workbench ends up on the lawn

16th May 2004, 11:55 PM
Very nice work,
I have visited your website before.

But it just shows the occupational hazard of being a craftsman

The missus locks up the router cabinet and yer workbench ends up on the lawn


Too true :D

Ian Runge
17th May 2004, 11:29 AM
Hey ... great work Leigh!

Now everyone else's "offcuts" also look good, but hey, these ARE NOT offcuts!

Any more ideas like Leigh's would be greatly appreciated. (i.e. small things - make 20 of them in a day!)


17th May 2004, 10:12 PM
here are some more things i might make another day.




17th May 2004, 10:15 PM
all the pics came from this site


Tip hunter
2nd June 2004, 12:55 AM
Offcut uses

Assembly dog's - Route accross two axis a dado the thickness of the panels in the work you are assembling to form a 90 degrees cross. When assembling a cabinet these help like an extra set of hands to hold say a shelf to a side or a top to a side while you handle the other side or hardware. Temporary but oh so handy. treat to resist glue and develop a collection in different standard thicknesses.
Floating tongues and tenons - Keep the "next" peice of wood as long as possible for as long as possible
Claw feet - Laminate onto other stock to give the little extra on one side rather than cutting all that much away from bigger stock.Same agai if producing a widows peak in a face frame.
Jigs - oh the variety
Parqetry top for a table - Imagine doing a floor. Set up all offcuts to a set dimension and store. Yes dear the floor will be ready in about five years. Seriously you could do some nice detail work into a new floor such as an entry motif.
Wedges for tenons- contrasts are fine and can be mixed with other wood
Wedges for a builder - Use them all the time setting doors and windows. Make a bucket up for a friend or for a supplier you like to give to another customer who they like. One mans karma is another mans future discount.
Edge banding - Not all offcuts are short some are narrow
Toys - small peices generally
Hope these help

2nd June 2004, 02:18 PM
I make smoke.

The pot belly stove on the back porch is a hungry bugger :D

Sir Chiz
3rd June 2004, 03:28 AM
Nothin' goes to waste here. :D


3rd June 2004, 08:47 AM
hi ,
what I do with my off cuts is I cut out picture from my cat mag and stick them on with glue and the sand and clear varnish.It was what I saw in a book I got from the libary fro the scroll saw and the work well.Iwill put pitures when i have finshed them,they might not be up to the standerd but I have just begun woodwook and I like it a lot .

4th June 2004, 06:01 PM
How about door stops. Wedge type , or round screwed down type.

If you leave them when completed at the front gate they should walk away!!!

4th June 2004, 06:57 PM
Iwill put pitures when i have finshed them,they might not be up to the standerd but I have just begun woodwook and I like it a lot .

Hey woody
The only standard is that you have fun, and join in.
With the woodwork and the BB. :D

Cheers, Al

4th June 2004, 07:00 PM
The only standard is that you have fun, and join in.
With the woodwork and the BB. But don't expect to get any better at woodwork, 'cos you'll be spending soooooo much time online.. :D :D



4th June 2004, 09:43 PM
If you've got a thicknesser, table saw and dado blade you can turn these out fairly quickly. But if you're like me and don't have the machines you can still make them but at a much slower rate (hand tool city :D ). Mikmaz1 posted a link about these last year and it's taken me this long to have a go at some but once you start they can become addictive.

The six pieces (18x18x54) shown at the bottom of the picture fit together to make the burr above.

5th June 2004, 01:16 PM
IanR, you stole my thunder. If most of those projects came from offcuts the original piece of timber must have been a big mother. I think the original post was probably referring to pieces less than 300mm.
I suppose it's always possible that the cabinet and workbench were made by glueing all those little bits of timber together to make bigger pieces. If so, I like the way they have hidden all the joins.
Seriously though, it's very nice work.

23rd July 2004, 11:37 AM
Inspired by this thread I offer an improved (but more complicated to make) business card holder in a new thread http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?t=10273 just started.