View Full Version : Air Compressor Tools

Mal F
31st January 2009, 07:56 AM
I bought a GMC EVAC40 2.4HP 40L 5.5cfm FAD air compressor from Bunnings yesterday $89 reduced on enquiry from $139. Brand new in a sealed box so not a demo. It was the last one they had at Mt. Gravatt. Not sure what the warranty situation is but they told me to keep the sale docket for any warranty claims.

I was told by Bunnings that they were reducing all GMC gear so it might pay to get them to check the price if you are interested as the compressor I bought was marked at $139.

I have never used an air compressor before so now I need some air tools. I was thinking of getting one of the low end kits for about $50 that seem to contain:
Nail Gun
Spray Gun
Air Blower
Engine Degreaser
Tyre Inflator
10Metres of coiled Hose

I don't see myself doing any house framing but I do use a few smaller nails (I seem to use mainly screws) so a small gun may be the go. Is there a general purpose size I should be looking at?

I have only used a spray gun a couple of times with reasonable results spraying cabinets and the dreaded louvre doors. I am interested in improving my skill in this area. Is there any particular nozzle size or specification I should look for?

The Air Blower will get a workout particularly around the hard to get at places.

What I was thinking was buy a cheap kit, see what I end up using and upgrade from there.

Any recommendations or suggestions would be welcome.


31st January 2009, 09:30 AM
I recently bought a brad nailer on eBay for a measley 99 cents, for the sole purpose of banging some MDF and ply storage items together for my new shed.

The nailer seems to be identical to some I've seen going for quite a few hundred dollars. It works flawlessly and I'm infatuated with it. I bought a swivel connector for the nailer to make it a bit more versatile in tight places. I feel it's worth the $12 outlay.

I also bought a blow gun (and subsequently found a couple in a box from my old shop), but my 'pressor came with a hose and I've no use for a spray gun, degreaser or tyre 'flator, so my purchases stopped there.

31st January 2009, 05:24 PM
Everything in that shop goes on special - the air tools with fairly good regularity.

Their discounts are up to 50% off, so start watching out for their flyers.

Pick one standard of connectors, and buy a good brand name, and stick with just the one brand and style of connector. I had hassles with leaks whenever I tried any combination of brand, even though they were all the same style (OK, they were all cheap-n-nasty).

If you get impact tools, put a short-ish tail on them (30 cm hose, with screw-in fitting to tool, and hose connector on the other end), so that the tool isn't directly vibrating away at the connector on the end of the hose, and wearing it out.


Mal F
31st January 2009, 05:33 PM
So Woodwould is the nailer you got a recurring item on ebay or just a one off.
If recurring, a link to the site would be good.
Yes Andrew, I had Supercheap in mind and I will pay them a visit soon.
I hadn't thought about ebay though.


31st January 2009, 05:41 PM
So Woodwould is the nailer you got a recurring item on ebay or just a one off.
If recurring, a link to the site would be good.

You just sit back there and I'll look them up for you! :q Here you go (http://shop.ebay.com.au/items/_W0QQ_dmptZAUQ5fAirQ5fTools?_nkw=brad+nail+gun&_sacat=0&_fromfsb=&_trksid=m270.l1313&_odkw=nail+gun&_osacat=0).

31st January 2009, 10:25 PM
I'm not suprised Bunnings are selling the GMC gear at reduced prices.
GMC went belly up. So if you buy one of their products,as far as warranty goes,i think you'll be on your own.- When it packes up, toss it out.:C