View Full Version : Easiest ways making money with wood.... Help!!

3rd February 2009, 09:24 PM
I have been working in the wood industry for about 5 years, cutting down trees..about a 3000 trees a day:)- no joke

I've been working with Pine and Gum trees.

At the moment, I left the harvesting area, to start with my farming project.

By the way...I received great answers for treating Wood Poles:U

I thought another way to make money will be selling wood for firewood.


I've decided to make packets of wood for barbecues to sell at Garages and shops.

If anyone can please give me more details to do the job as well as ways to sell it.

PLEASE people, all I need is more ways to make money with it!!

3rd February 2009, 10:38 PM
3000 trees a day????????????????????????????????? if you were to cut down 2 per minute that would take you 1500 minutes ( about 24 hours) been a pretty busy boy hey? what are you cutting them down with,a D9 and if you have been doing this for the last five years then thats a shipload of wood ,if you worked a five day week thats about 780.000 trees that you have cut down a year , if you cut 2 per minute and worked 24 hours a day five days a week, maybe some overtime, i hope there isn,t too many of you working there the planet couldn,t take too much of it , no wonder the worlds in trouble. how big are these trees? just curious .......bob

ps i hope for your sake Gods not a greenie , or your in big trouble judgement day

3rd February 2009, 11:24 PM
Thank You for replaying to this post Bob.....

I haven't told you much about where i worked the last 5 years..

I worked for my dad..

And what You and nobody else knows, he wants to make money!!!, loads of it!!! like he does all his life!

I live in South Africa, in 2007 October huge fires bust out and destroyed almost 77 000 hectares of plantation.

We were contractors, who saw the opportunity to make money.

We had 20 Chainsaw Operators, 16 Choker man, 8 Markers, 30 general Laborers and plenty of machinery to do the job perfectly!

Each operator had to do 150 trees per day

BUT!! We told them if they can cut down and debark the trees in the shortest time, they can go home..

Bob my friend what you don't know is that all those Operators started 6:00 in the morning and left 11:00 AM, 1 hour before lunch!!!!

By the way,we send all our operators to complete a course in chainsaw operating until All! completed it before we started.

All your calculations might be right..BUT not even close if You were revering to me.

But thank you for you response

4th February 2009, 12:28 AM
could you make a sawmill and mill all the timber into usable sizes for building purposes or is it too bad from the fire, or sawing it up and making pre-cut house frames etc..good luck..bob

4th February 2009, 08:11 AM
Dunno about making a mill, but that seems the thrust of a sound business idea.

Maybe consider buying a Peterson or Lucas or Ecomill.
They're all portable high output mills. 1 bloke sawing, 1 bloke stacking timber.
All the tree heads into firewood.
All the decent trunks into sawlogs

4th February 2009, 05:03 PM
The wood that i get for free are offcuts.

I only mentioned the huge fires because, that was where we started.

After the fires, many contractors went in and cut down all the burned wood.

So we decided to go on and stay in the harvesting business.

At the moment i get non burned wood.

But Thank you for the idea on the mill and precut frames

Any other idees would be appreciated

4th February 2009, 05:25 PM
What size offcuts?
What timber species?

4th February 2009, 05:54 PM
3m Blue gum Poles

4th February 2009, 07:33 PM
what diameter?
Don't suppose you know the botanical name as there a few trees all going under the name bluegum

4th February 2009, 09:14 PM
Eucalyptus grandis

Range between 5 - 10 inches diameter

14th February 2009, 01:26 AM
Poor little trees, they don't stand a chance.

Who's thinking about them in all this?

Will they ever get a chance to regrow?
Is there any regulation over there or can any one just go willy nilly chopping down thousands of trees a day?