View Full Version : desk chair

9th February 2009, 09:08 PM
gday all

yr 12 this yr 1 yr to go, it isnt easy so im enlisting everyone out there

if anyone has any plans for upholstered desk chairs, computer chair any of the saught pass them on

thanks all

10th February 2009, 10:28 PM
I don't have plans, but you should consider the following when you design a chair.
1. Any chair will be uncomfortable after a while if you can't wriggle around in it.
2. You need lumbar support, but try to have it either side of your spine
3. back support should be just below the shoulder blades, not on them
4. If you have back splats, have an even number, so you dont have a central one pressing on your spine.
5. The join of the side rails and the back legs takes a huge load, especially when someone rocks back on it (and they will if they can). You can discourage them from doing this by bending the legs so that the feet are further back. This also takes the load off the M&T joint there, by balancing the forces from the person leaning back and the backwards component of the occupant's weight. (Put a bit of physics in your design portfolio - should be worth a few marks.)
6. At the back joint, there isn't going to be much meat left in the leg if you M&T both the side & back rails into it. (You weren't going to dowel them, were you?). Design for this. Also, to get any strength in the M&T from the side rail, the tenon needs to be long. 25mm is not long.

Have a look at the Woodbin (http://www.woodbin.com/) site for a whole lot of info on dimensions, angles etc.
Also, have a look at Evan Dunstone's (http://www.dunstonedesign.com.au/home/home.htm) website for some really nice chairs. See how he resolves the problems I've mentioned above.
Good luck.

Wood Borer
10th February 2009, 10:52 PM
Very well said Alex. :2tsup:

11th February 2009, 07:07 PM
thanks for all your help alex i learnt a fair bit from that.

thanks to all


11th February 2009, 10:06 PM
Believe me , the best desk chair is a fitball!

12th February 2009, 02:14 PM
please explain ????


12th February 2009, 04:51 PM
Depends on the person.

In my workplace, and quite a few others, they have been banned.There were a couple of cases in my department: one person flipped (KO on the desk edge) and another the ball went boom (50-60 kg woman on a 100kg+ rated.) In comes the OH&S police, ...

14th February 2009, 07:30 AM

Check out the Australian Scobie plans at skills publishing http://www.skillspublish.com.au/Skills%20Plans.htm. I have made the dining room chairs and they are very comfortable. there is a plan there for an office chair.

gday all

yr 12 this yr 1 yr to go, it isnt easy so im enlisting everyone out there

if anyone has any plans for upholstered desk chairs, computer chair any of the saught pass them on

thanks all