View Full Version : How to sell a Myford lathe - Artburger

14th February 2009, 06:05 PM
All this talk of Myford lathes has come at a good time - I'm helping my Nan move house and I need to sell my Grandad's lathe (early Myford Super 7), but I haven't got the foggiest idea how to go about selling machinery :?. It was his pride and joy and I know it's a good lathe so I don't want her to get taken for a ride - can anyone suggest a good place to start?
I'm talking to grays online about it, but with that and ebay I'd be worried she wouldn't get a fair price. I've also come across plant and equipment magazine which has a classifieds section, and I've heard there are specialist websites for trading in machinery but I don't know which one (if any) to use, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


14th February 2009, 06:09 PM
Ash start here in the Buy N sell section

Oh how I wish I had the room :C

14th February 2009, 06:35 PM
Thanks Wheelinround,

(now why didn't I think of that) - I'll start putting an ad together.


14th February 2009, 11:48 PM
Ash ,
Firstly please accept my condolences and I'm sorry to hear of your Grandads passing .

If you visit Myfords (http://www.myford.com/pricelist/accessories.htm) website it may help you work out how much to ask .
A lot depends on the condition and what accessories are with it .
If it has cross feed and the larger spindle bore.( I assume it being an early model it will not have these features).Screw cutting gearbox or change wheels for screw cutting
Also if it's along bed or short bed.

This site (http://www.lathes.co.uk/myford/index.html) is a valuable resource for information which will help Identify your Grandads lathe ,which will help in your valuation .
Images of the lathe will help immensely if you are listing it in the fore sale forum here.


15th February 2009, 08:01 AM
Excellent Ebay ad., Ash. Very well set out. :2tsup:

15th February 2009, 06:11 PM
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the help. (and that wasn't my ebay ad - seems there's another one around). Looking at the site you suggested it seems my lathe is from between 1954 and 1959 (it has the screw cutting gearbox and the glass window on the oil reservoir, as well as a power cross-feed), so that gives me a good starting point to put my ad together.

Thanks again,

15th February 2009, 06:40 PM
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the help. (and that wasn't my ebay ad - seems there's another one around). Looking at the site you suggested it seems my lathe is from between 1954 and 1959 (it has the screw cutting gearbox and the glass window on the oil reservoir, as well as a power cross-feed), so that gives me a good starting point to put my ad together.

Thanks again,

My mistake. :- I knew you were selling it for someone else, and so is the ebayer.

15th February 2009, 08:07 PM
my condolences to your loss

i know i sort of made some contradictory comments on another thread but man i do love the Myford's and i would love one in my shed

ok well this may seem a bit odd but do you have any interest in machining? because if you do or someone in your family does then you should consider keeping it! i assure you that lathe is so good and you will be hard pressed to find anyone who wouldn't want one! and there expensive! and well it feels special to get something like that form family. if anyone could make good use of it then consider selling it to them.

if you feel happy selling it then make sure it goes to a good home ........so put a good price on it i just wish i had the money to give you!

good luck with everything and im sorry for your Grandad


Sleeping Dog
15th February 2009, 10:19 PM

Same vintage as mine....

I agree with New Guy, if at all possible keep it, or at least see if it can be sold within the family. Owners of Myford's tend to get very attached to them, even tho I'm only a "fiddler" I can lose hours in front of my old lathe. I love that it was built in the same year that I was born, I didn't get it from my Grandad, but I plan on leaving it to my grandkids, what a buzz that would be.

I'm no expert on prices (only bought one ever), but I paid $3000 for mine. Bearings ok, ways were ok but probably could use a regrind, un-powered cross-slide, non-gearbox, badly needed a re-paint. Don't know if that was a good price or not but I was happy to pay it.

Good luck,

16th February 2009, 03:36 AM
Hi Ash
The value of your lathe depends on a number of things. I find demand and supply tend to be some of the largest factors, so what the lathe is worth say in England where there is a lot of supply but also large demand because of the interest in model engineering wont necessarily be what the lathe is worth where you are. Where I live there isn't much supply of old lathes so the prices tend to be higher then other places in Canada and much higher then in the states just below us. I am not sure what the supply of vintage machinery is in Australia, you have a small population and are geographically remote like Canada but as I understand it you've made a lot your own equipment over the years. As far as I can tell there have only been a few manufacturer's of lathes over the years here in Canada but considering who we are north of here, we probably couldn't be competitive enough to support a large industry of our own. By the way I have 2 myfords and a hercus, not because I need three lathes but I keep trading up but cant bear to part with the old lathe.

16th February 2009, 12:35 PM
Hi Ash, check with these guys, http://www.minitech.com.au/ a call, they're the only suppliers I think?, of Myfords in Oz, if you give them the lathe details, Serial No., condition etc. they can give you an idea of what it's worth, the are very helpfull, (no connection, blah,blah),

16th February 2009, 06:11 PM
Thanks everyone,
And yes, it a sad thing parting with the lathe but I don't have the skills to do it justice, or indeed the space, and nan needs the money. I'd rather see it go to someone who will use and enjoy it than have it rust away (that said if we have no takers I may just have to learn :))
I've contacted minitech and they've been quite helpful too, and have kindly offered to include it in their newsletter for me.

16th February 2009, 09:06 PM
By the way I have 2 myfords and a hercus, not because I need three lathes but I keep trading up but cant bear to part with the old lathe.

how the hell did you get them!!!! i would have thought you would get more south bends up there ...........oh and you guys have the one way's ......lucky

im not sure but i dont think we have much of a second hand machinery "base" here. most of the stuff is from Asia and there not badly priced

Artburger i agree with you if i would want it to go to a good home to and not just rust in my shed! ................i just wish i had the money :p where in Queensland are you?


16th February 2009, 10:46 PM
Hi Patrick,

I'm actually in Sydney - a New South Welshman, but don't hold it against me.


17th February 2009, 07:59 PM
Hi Patrick,

I'm actually in Sydney - a New South Welshman, but don't hold it against me.


lol um my bad i think i looked at the wrong person.................:B :doh:

22nd February 2009, 01:09 PM
Ok, I've posted my ad in the buy, swap N sell section - thankyou all very much for your help in getting this together.



22nd February 2009, 06:22 PM
good luck
