View Full Version : walnut log

22nd February 2009, 06:14 AM
This is my first attempt at just mounting a log and turning it, and I learned quite a bit. Not good, but it was going to a burn pile so I grabbed it up. A new experience having the wings flying around, but it was sure fun. I would like to try and finish it the best I can after it sits in apaper bag for a few weeks and need some advice on sanding it out as it, i do not want to turn it again. There a few internal cracks which were further in that I had anticipated, so decorative epoxy mix will be needed as well, maybe coffee grounds. I like to keep even junky work, I find it helpful to refer back to what not to do the next time.

22nd February 2009, 08:05 AM
First thought to cross my mind when i saw that pic was"must have been a hairy knuckle busting ride"! From what you say it was!!:oo::oo:

Great learning experience and a good result. Should look extra special when finished.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Looks like lots of time, patience and elbow grease is in order!:D:C

22nd February 2009, 08:31 AM
You don't want to put it back on the lathe? Whyever not?


Somehow, when I look at that, "junk" is the last thing on my mind!!!!!

But I would have loved a video of you cutting it!

Ed Reiss
22nd February 2009, 01:46 PM
lookin' good...pics when finished, please:2tsup:

22nd February 2009, 02:34 PM
I figure a month oe so in the paper bags should suffice, then put on a radio, get out some sandpaper and spend more than a few hours. Any suggestions for sanding it out in the rounded areas withour making flat spots? Sanding sealer might help things along? Lemme guess...more patience? I spent the weekend at Lyle Jamieson's studio for a basic bowl class, seeing his work shows how little patience I have yet to develop. Most humbling, learned more in 2 days than I would have in year on my own...get the basics down. will be sure to post picture when done.

22nd February 2009, 03:47 PM
just seen your walnut bowl. great job. it is a finger catcher for sure.one of my joints still hurt after two weeks. not sure if the picture will show but i did a cedar bowl with rectangular top.97081

Manuka Jock
24th February 2009, 08:50 AM
Daddy3x ,
the idea might be to sand the curves of the bowl , inside and out first , with small finger held sandpaper , through to the final grit.
And then do the flat surfaces with a sanding block ,
to sharpen up the edges.

Thats a boomer of a winged bowl :2tsup:
Looking forward to more pics .

24th February 2009, 01:35 PM
I am pretty careful in all of my woodworking, but there is that constant reminder of that whirring helicopter sound and all that wind that made me really think about exactly what my next cut should be. I also had to think very carefully, especially after reading of the term degloving..."ladies and gentleman, please keep hands and arms inside the ride at all times during the ride". But what a blast it was trying this!