View Full Version : American hardware

6th June 2001, 04:41 PM
I subscribe to Time/Life's 'Woodsmith Custom Woodworking' Series and have a yen to build the Miter Saw Station in the 'Home Workshop' Volume. However, I can't get such goodies as 'Heavy duty leg levellers' or 'threaded inserts'.
Can anyone help. please?

Shane Watson
6th June 2001, 05:50 PM
Try your local Kitchen cabinet Supplies shop, such as Lincoln Sentry. Or alternativly an upholstry supplies shop.


6th June 2001, 06:41 PM
I just sent the card away for the first book in this series.
How many have you got so far?
Are they worth the money?

John Saxton
6th June 2001, 07:10 PM
Hi Johnno,There are a few good companies around that carry cabinet hardware such as Howard Silvers to name just one.
May I suggest you do a search of all the forums for fittings using the search button on top of the page you get up on your scree..
I have seen this mentioned before with various responses and address's that you may access.
Failing that you may have to access the fittings thru the 'ol USof A which I have done in the past and I'm sure many people do.
By the way welcome to one Oz BB and good luck in your enquiries.
Cheers http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif


7th June 2001, 05:33 PM
Thanks folks - I've got a couple of catalogues on the way and should be able to find most of what I need.

Thanks again,