View Full Version : finishes

4th March 2009, 01:53 PM
i do a lot of furniture both indoor and outdoor, after sanding i usually put a coat
of boiled linseed oil until it stops absorbing it. them add 2 or 3 coats of sanding
sealer on it. i was wondering if there was a cheaper way of doing this but with
the same results. sanding sealer is pretty expensive here! i was told by a man
at a recent festival to try bees wax. any and all advise is appriciated!


4th March 2009, 03:47 PM
I think putting sanding sealer over BLO is a waste of time and from what I gather sanding sealer isnt a final finish. Sanding sealer is used before you apply a finish (polyurethane, lacquer, etc.)

I would just use BLO and apply a good quality wax. Someone here should be able to recommend one.

11th June 2009, 08:54 PM
hey guys. i am in year 12 and doing my major project which is a dresser cabnit and i am just about to aply my first coat of finish on it and was just wondering what the long term disadvantages of estapol are?? is there any one that can help me??
please contact me on my email which is [email protected]
