View Full Version : Some Bowls

8th March 2009, 04:04 PM
Occasionally I get myself organised enough to actually complete some things, instead of navel gazing or pondering the world that we live in . . .

Pics 1 to 4 is a Mango (?) spalted bowl, which MBGitW has taken for her own:U

Pic 5 is a Silky Oak platter for a mate, finished in DO. One question is DO safe for kiddies with severe peanut allergies?

Pic 6 is another Silky Oak platter, finish is Shellawax Glow, cut with EEE, but I can see some maring inside the bowl section. How do I fix that?

Pic 7 is White Oak freshly cut and watered to show the grain. I will use some of these for Knife Scales.

8th March 2009, 04:38 PM
Nice work Pat :2tsup: that spalting looks great almost a figure in it

photo 6 maring use a spray bottle wet mist and sand with a slurry might help

Skew ChiDAMN!!
8th March 2009, 04:49 PM

That's the first time I've seen blue spalting through Mango that wasn't just... BLAH. :puke:

DO should be perfectly safe for a peanut allergy... but with some of the weird mixes being sold as DO I can't claim that as a fact. I'd feel quite safe in letting them use it but would still keep a close watch the first few times, if ya know what I mean?

8th March 2009, 06:09 PM
Mango is always full of surprises! That bowl is a very pretty shape. I like the platter too and the other one.

8th March 2009, 06:50 PM
Love the mango Pat - looks like Shrek :)

8th March 2009, 07:14 PM
Ray, the Oak is straight off the bandsaw. Didn't think of reaching for the block plane :doh:

John, now that you mentioned it, Shrek is there:U

Thanks Skew, I use OrganOil Old Style DO. I'll contact them for verification.

Liz, my wife saw it and said much the same thing. Now it has pride of place on the Coffee Table, that I made:cool:

8th March 2009, 09:27 PM
Very Nice work!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Ed Reiss
9th March 2009, 01:01 PM
Good work, Pat :U

...probably didn't need diamond drills for those woods:no:

9th March 2009, 05:57 PM
Good work, Pat :U

...probably didn't need diamond drills for those woods:no:

No diamond tip drills, just a sharp bowl gouge:U

Ad de Crom
9th March 2009, 06:52 PM
Pat, nice turnings.
The mango bowl is my favorite, interesting wood, if it is mango??
Never turned that stuff.

Sawdust Maker
9th March 2009, 08:50 PM
great work :2tsup: