View Full Version : boring holes in posts. auger bits.

14th March 2009, 07:26 PM
as many here know i am umung other things a fencign contractor.

i haev been having trouble getting an auger bit that will bore threw the hardwood posts we use.

i have to bore 100+ holes every day threw 6" ironbark, bluegum, greygum, stringybar, tallowwood and bloowood posts.

the clean cut bits form the hardware (irwin) will bore in about 1/2" and the worm will clog and it wont bore you have to clean the tip and go again. the max the thing will cut is about 1 1/2 before cloging, this is with both 16mm and 10mm bits. this is a real PITA as you can imagine.

the main problem is in ironbark, greygum, and bluegum. witch happends to be the ones we mainly use.

there didnt use to be any problem but the quality of the bits seams to have gone down hill quickly.

i am fed up so attacked on of the bits with the angle grinder today. i cut off the clean cut bit first.

cut better but still not good.

then i noticed tehre was almost no lead in on the cutting edge so i ground the angle back drematicly.

and boy shee rips threw now.

maby a litle to well.

anyway has anyone sles had this problem?