View Full Version : Time shown on New posts

3rd June 2004, 02:19 PM
There's something wrong here. I keep getting the same post coming up on the New Posts search. For example the one in the Trton forum about the magazine hasn't had a new post for 20 hours but a New Posts search comes up with the last post be Barry Whgite, saying it was done only 2 minutes ago. This isn't the only one I'm having that problem with. Anybody else?
(It aslo happens on my work computer when I'm viewing from there so I don't think it's a setting on here - I've hit 'Refresh' a couple of times)

3rd June 2004, 02:22 PM
Sorry about the typos again. But what can you do with 2 fingers ! I can't click on the smilys anymore either. They don't go in to the message.

3rd June 2004, 02:30 PM

I find that if you don't read the forum it will show as new.

Try pressing all forums read at the bottom of the index and see if that cures it or in each forum under Forum tools.

A word of warning though that new posts done after you have read the forum and between the time of reading and saying all forums read may also be "read".

3rd June 2004, 02:35 PM
When someone votes on a poll it will jump to the top of the New Posts list, even when no-one has added to the thread. It always shows the name of the last person who posted to it but changes the post time to the time that the poll results were updated.

3rd June 2004, 02:39 PM
When someone votes on a poll it will jump to the top of the New Posts list, even when no-one has added to the thread. It always shows the name of the last person who posted to it but changes the post time to the time that the poll results were updated.

Ahha ! That's the reason - which was obsure to me ! Now I get it. We Gumby's take a bit of catching on you know. (would add a smiley but it won't seem to let me)

3rd June 2004, 05:23 PM
(would add a smiley but it won't seem to let me)
Here have some of mine, Ive got heaps to spare http://mindscraps.com/s/otn/other/popworm.gifhttp://mindscraps.com/s/otn/other/popworm.gifhttp://mindscraps.com/s/otn/other/popworm.gifhttp://mindscraps.com/s/otn/other/popworm.gifhttp://mindscraps.com/s/otn/other/popworm.gif


Bob Willson
3rd June 2004, 07:06 PM
You are using the drop down box at the top of the editing window aren't you Gumby? The one with the white smiley face next to it.

3rd June 2004, 07:40 PM
:D yes I was Bob and it never worked but I've just realised I installed the McAfee Intenert Security package last week. it has a Privacy option which ads a toolbar to my Internet Explorer. When I disable it, the smiley's work fine. problem solv-ed. :) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :( :confused: :o :cool: :p ;) :D :D :confused: :eek: :( :mad: :mad:

Bob Willson
3rd June 2004, 07:43 PM
:) Ok, settle down there boy. :)

4th June 2004, 12:35 AM
I thought that was the chooks line? :D