View Full Version : 2009 Riverside Artsfest

Gil Jones
20th March 2009, 12:38 PM
A wee bit of horn tooting is in order here.
Three of my turnings were juried into the 2009 Riverside Artsfest, and one received an Honorable Mention (+$50). It is still on going (March 13-21), so maybe something will actually sell. http://bainbridgega.com/chamber/artsfest.shtml

Grumpy John
20th March 2009, 01:03 PM
Way to go, Gil :2tsup::2tsup:

Allan at Wallan
20th March 2009, 03:05 PM
Lovely work Gil.:2tsup:
What is the wood - it looks fantastic?


Gil Jones
20th March 2009, 03:17 PM
Thanks, John and Allan.
It is 139.7mm H x 158.75mm W [5.5"H X 6.25"W] with 4.75mm [.187"] walls.
The body is slightly spalted Maple dyed red with two coats of calligraphy ink, and the collar is Cherry dyed black with two coats of India ink. The finish is five coats of Deft aerosol lacquer, polished with 3M Finesse-It II Finishing Material (auto-paint polish).

20th March 2009, 04:22 PM
Congratulations! That's some feat! :)

20th March 2009, 04:53 PM
G'Day Gil

Congrats, well deserved, :2tsup:Thanks for sharing,its posts like this that make this forum a little more personal and enjoyable.


20th March 2009, 06:02 PM
:wtg: Gill well done

20th March 2009, 06:31 PM
Goodonya Gil. That is a beautiful piece and worthy of the award.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

tea lady
20th March 2009, 09:53 PM


joe greiner
20th March 2009, 11:30 PM
Congratulations, Gil. Close enough for a drive-by, if time permits.

Here's a closeup view of it (or its "sister"): http://n-fl-woodturners.org/images/2007-04/2007-04-04.jpg


Wayne Blanch
21st March 2009, 10:55 AM
Congratulations Gil:2tsup: That surely is a lovely piece.

Ed Reiss
21st March 2009, 12:49 PM
Way to go Gil, congrats :2tsup: ....nice turning and finish

Gil Jones
21st March 2009, 01:40 PM
My thanks to everyone for the kind words, and comments.
I did not give any specifications of the piece, so here they are.
5.5"H X 6.25"W (139.7mm H x 158.75mm W), with .187” (4.75mm) walls
The body is slightly spalted Maple, dyed red with two coats of calligraphy ink, and the collar is Cherry dyed black with two coats of India ink. The finish is five coats of Deft aerosol lacquer, polished with 3M Finesse-It II Finishing Material (auto-paint polish).
I enjoyed creating it, and I appreciate your taking the time to look and tell what you think.

23rd March 2009, 08:35 AM
A wee bit of horn tooting is in order here.

Toot away :2tsup:

Sawdust Maker
25th March 2009, 09:10 PM
Nice work - more ideas to file away
congrats upon the honourable mention :brava

25th March 2009, 11:29 PM
Well done son!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

25th March 2009, 11:53 PM
A wee bit of horn tooting is in order here.
Three of my turnings were juried into the 2009 Riverside Artsfest, and one received an Honorable Mention (+$50). It is still on going (March 13-21), so maybe something will actually sell. http://bainbridgega.com/chamber/artsfest.shtml

G'day Gil,

Is that you on the blue shirt, glasses and a "reflective" head skin?:o
Gees... mate, you're a big fellow, aren't you?:;

I like your piece, you couldn't miss it in a room, couldn't you? You achieved a nice red, not as easy as it looks. I don't know how many times I tough in doing something "similar" out of Macrocarpa, very thin walls soaked in some water based colouring, which I'm not sure which one yet! one day...!:D

Well done!


Gil Jones
26th March 2009, 02:57 PM
Thanks once again...Hughie, Nick, Vern, and RBTCO.
The red color reminds me of what we used to call Candy Apple Red many years ago (but without the metal flakes).
Yes, that is I in the blue guayabera shirt in the pic.