View Full Version : WIP - Cubby House with pics

1st April 2009, 09:11 PM
There's a time in every parent's life when the "c" word comes out their child's mouth. Time to build a cubby. Looking back it seems I started this in the middle of last year, so progress is pretty fast considering.

Design is to match the house, so wooden frame with weatherboard - recycled to make it look as old as the house, plus deck on the front, tin roof. Sandpit underneath was requested by the youngest. My healthy fear of spiders and snakes mean this'll be a very open cubby, no doors, just openings, and window on the side, so a very open, airy cubby, with no dark corners. We'll move house in the next couple of years, so it's prefabricated so it can be disassembled fairly easily. I didn't do any proper plans, but a series of sketches instead. I've posted the only one which makes any sense at all.

Overall, the cubby is BIG. 2400 long, 1800 wide, 1400 to deck height, 2300 high inside, 3700 from ground to apex.

It's built of treated pine to deck level, with treated hardwood posts. Decking, studs (story in this (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=81265)thread), and weatherboard are all hardwood and recycled, even recyled tin. Cost about $200 for the treated pine and about $200 for bolts and screws etc, $100 for paint.

Final assembly is this weekend, so I'll post more photos then.

Photo one is the hardwood studs reclaimed from the benches at the local sports field. Two is the treated pine and hardwood posts. Three is the foreman showing his (dis)approval of progress made. Four is the deck structure - walls and roof go on top. Five is the 'workshop'. Six he walls assembled and ready to be put up. Seven is out of sequence, but is the site before work started. Eight is the only sketch I'd show any else...

1st April 2009, 09:44 PM
i can see the little tackers rubbing their hands together already.
looks great, and they'll love it.
i built one for my kids in an almond tree about 4 or 5 feet from the ground.
they had just as much fun climbing up the old ladder to get in lol.
the block

7th April 2009, 09:31 PM
Got a couple of helpers on the weekend and got the walls and roof trusses up. Unfortunately realised the mango tree is too close to get the roof on, but then realised its dead as, so it'll have to get lopped anyway. That'll hold up getting the roof on, but I've still got to get the railings on the front, slide and steps around the back, so plently to keep me busy.

Kids are in seventh heaven though!

9th April 2009, 09:42 PM
i reckon the kids have got a 5 star rating on this one already lol.
lookin' good.
the block

10th April 2009, 02:05 AM
I would have loved something like that when i was a kid myself.:cool:
But, being brought up in a city there was no chance.:(
Fancy adopting a 53 year old Pom, Richard.:D

5th May 2009, 06:49 PM
A few more weekends work, and the roof is on, weatherboard is finished, ballustrade done, painting finished. Only thing left is to build a set of steps, hopefully tomorrow. You'll see that SWMBO had a hand in the decoration.

Needless to say, kids are very proud. The 4yo wants to have her friends round to show off.

Its taken me a year or so, but hasn't cost too much, probably about $500.

6th May 2009, 12:26 PM
Great work...what's the cyclone rating?:D

6th May 2009, 10:15 PM
Thats excellent mate, you did a great job.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup: