View Full Version : Dusty again....

8th April 2009, 03:43 AM
Last three days in the shed have been awesome.... :D:D:D
I'm not totally back but think that I will make it this time...
Started sunday... as usual never do anything by halves.. so started 3 projects... still not settled ... feel like the heart & soul isn't with me yet... keep wandering back up the house...
... anyway with 3 on the go... can let glue set or... let shellac dry or go on with the other one while I'm waiting on the first two... challenging also to keep the mind active on 3 different sets of measurements...
Well ... hell if Dingo can beat adversity... I can give it a darn good shot...
Ok... really need to get motivated back into woodwork... surely its time for WA BBQ... who's turn now....:roll::roll::roll:

... thought I'd include these.... will take photo when Bread Box & Pew Seat are finished... should be tomorrow night.... tray is really nice....
In the photos some parts look pale or dusty ... it's the reflection from the luster shine... on wood surface... I use "shellac" it leaves a beautiful Baltic or Nordic finish... which I sand back with 1000 -1200 grit... love that rich darker colour the older it gets... that's only half the shed.... my workbench side...
Just have to make lid for Pew-seat .... which will have inlay of material... something reflecting a wedding-style quality... put top on BB & add the two doors ... which will have black expander-mesh... hinged ..."Bread-Box" stenciled onto lid...... should look pretty spiffy when finished....

Cheers KEKEMO...:2tsup:

The Bleeder
8th April 2009, 09:04 AM

Three projects on the go and your making progress on all. They look fantastic. Way to go.

I must have 10 at the moment in various stages ....but none going anywhere .... shed time is non-existent

8th April 2009, 11:38 AM
Nice work and the extra mental gymnastics of keeping three lots of measurements on the go at one time must be good for the brain.

8th April 2009, 08:22 PM
kekemo, Looks really great. Wish I had a bit more time to try and create a few projects. Thanks for sharing.:U