View Full Version : G'day from a newbie

11th April 2009, 09:24 PM
G'day all

Thought I'd introduce myself. My name's Russell and I'm in Perth WA. I've decided that I'm going to build a boat so I've been doing my homework and the Woodwork forum pops up a lot while searching. Some very helpful stuff at this early stage so thanks already. Good info and good leads.
I'm not in a hurry and planning is the key so I'll keep collecting information until I'm ready to go. I mean I don't even have anywhere to build a boat; I live in a unit so it looks like I'm buying a shed with a house or an industrial unit before I start buying timber and parts!
Any way thanks again and you'll here from me in the future.

Claw Hama
11th April 2009, 09:44 PM
Welcome Reikin, great to have a plan and something to aim for. Good luck with finding a shed. We'll expect to see some pics of the new workshop when you get started.

12th April 2009, 12:09 AM
Welcome to the forum.

I too would like to build a wooden boat. Will probably attempt one in about 5 years time.

Do show and tell when you get started.



12th April 2009, 08:20 AM
G'day Reikin and welcome to the forums!! :2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Plenty of info here and don't forget to ask questions.

Ed Reiss
12th April 2009, 12:01 PM
Hi ya' Russel...welcome to the clubhouse:U

13th April 2009, 10:39 AM
Hi Russell and welcome to the forum