View Full Version : Help sought repairing a Jason reclining chair

14th June 2004, 02:56 PM
I,m repairing a friend's chair and have run into a problem.
There are a couple of bits of machinery that have got me stumped as regards what they are supposed to do.
There is a flat bar, the one held up with a bit of wire for clarity, it is fastened to the chair at the lower end with a tension spring, the other end has three holes, one rectangular, one L shaped and one round.
On the square shaft is a quadrant device with teeth. I suspect they are associated but can't figure out how. Maybe there is a part missing.
If anyone out there is a Jason chair expert I would appreciate some advice.
If not, perhaps someone with a fully functioning chair can take photo.

This is my first post with attached pic, I can't see it in my preview but I'll find out soon enough if I've done something wrong.

19th June 2004, 04:45 PM
Does this help?

(Guess who just got a new digital camera!)

19th June 2004, 04:52 PM
Very nice of you to buy a camera just to help someone out. :D


19th June 2004, 04:57 PM
You'll find if you turn the chair up the right way, the flat bar will drop down over the teeth when the foot is raised and that is what holds the chair in position when the foot is up and you rock the chair back. Otherwise the chair would rock even when you didn't want it to.

Looks a bit crude but does the job well and has been doing so for many years.

Hope this is of some help.

Cheers - Neil :D

19th June 2004, 08:53 PM
Thanks for the pic AlexS, this confirms my suspicion that there is something missing.
I have established that Jasons don't make chairs anymore but a trail of 'might be able to help you's' led me to a guy who repairs them and has all the bits.

Digital cameras seem to be creating their own little digital revolution; I was able to email my pic to him and he identified what I needed and is mailing the parts to me for $20.

17th April 2005, 11:19 PM
I have a Jason reclining chair and the handle on the side has just broken in two. Any chance of you letting me have details of the person who repairs or supplies spare parts. I was not aware Jason were not making chairs until I read your thread.

18th April 2005, 09:48 AM
I have a Jason reclining chair and the handle on the side has just broken in two. Any chance of you letting me have details of the person who repairs or supplies spare parts. I was not aware Jason were not making chairs until I read your thread.

I have a similar problem - the metal clamp in the handle has broken. Presently walking the streets during council clean-up week looking for one that's being thrown out.

18th April 2005, 06:13 PM
Geez you blokes are a bit slow in posting. I threw an old Jason out on the council cleanup a couple of weeks ago, you could have had it. It lasted about a day before the scavengers got it. I'm convinced that councils leave tthe piles of stuff for an extra week so they don't have to pick up as much stuff.
Alex, try the west side of Pennant Hills at the moment!

24th April 2005, 08:24 PM
Mike R

Sorry to take so long to reply, my computer has been in for a brain transplant and I have only just got everything back in and running again.

Being a parochial old bugger it never occurred to me that Jason sold chairs anywhere else except Perth so when I said they didn't make them any more I guess I should have added 'in WA'.

Sorry Mike I cant help you with the name, it was a long time ago and I didn't keep the details. Just out of curiosity I did a Google search for Jason chairs and I was surprised to see this thread come up. Isn't science marvellous.