View Full Version : inland rosewood

3rd May 2009, 07:30 PM
hi guys,

just bought a piece of an old fencepost labeled as central queensland rosewood. From what i've read it sounds like inland rosewood but by another name. It is hard, heavy and very dark brown. My questions are:

is inland rosewood dangerous to work? Should i take extra precautions? What things should i consider for finishing ie. Is it oily?

Hoping someone on here has some experience with this timber and can give me some advice on it :) thanks.

dai sensei
3rd May 2009, 07:33 PM
Definately hard, Acacia rhodoxylon,but beautiful timber. Just scored some myself from the Melany show, smaller log on the right


3rd May 2009, 09:40 PM
ha! I must have gotten the other one :) mcnabs slabs. :)

dai sensei
3rd May 2009, 09:57 PM
ha! I must have gotten the other one :) mcnabs slabs. :)

yep, he had some beautiful stuff

4th May 2009, 12:04 AM
Have a look at this page (http://www.ttit.id.au/treepages/rosewood.htm) on my website for a run-down on your Inland Rosewood. I much prefer to turn it green myself but it is still workable dry. You will find it responds very well to a sharp scraper leaving a better finish than you would get with 'normal' timber.
If you sand to a fine enough grade (I go to 1200 on this stuff) you will get a beautiful finish with just one coat of oil or wax. You can even get away without a finish if you're into burnishing. Hope this helps.

4th May 2009, 12:29 AM
thanks :) i looked at your website earlier to confirm my suspicions that it was indeed inland rosewood. The piece i've got is rather small but i'll have enough for a vase and a few pen blanks. I'm not looking forward to hollowing that vase...