View Full Version : Homemade Band saw?

Peter Gibbs
12th May 2000, 11:09 PM
I would like to make my own band saw.
Has any one made one ? if so I would appreciate any feedback and advice.

12th May 2000, 11:38 PM
Don't want to dash your dreams Peter but generally you can buy one for much less than you can make one. But if you have your heart set on making one then you could try your local library for a Taunton Press Publication - Fine Woodworking on Making Shop Machines. I will see if I can get some more info on the book but off the top of the head that is the name of the book.


Martyn C-S
24th May 2000, 08:42 AM
Hi Peter,
Re Bandsaw. I made my own. Two 12" dia wheels, Each two slices of 1" chipboard. , turned on the lathe after rough sawing with jig-saw. Inner tube rubber glued on edge for blade to run on. Blade measures 2323mm .
I made the mistake of thinking that Motor could belt-drive (through reduction pulleys) from below. AVOID IT! The engine should be on the to to avoid getting fill ed with dust. We now have to have appropriate dust shields over the motor.
Two 1" shaft mandrells(?) cost $10 each 2nd hand, Motor free . Other wise total cost $94 without motor.
And good fun making it.