View Full Version : Inerest in Kayak building course in Sydney?

19th May 2009, 02:49 PM

I am organising a kayak building teacher to come from east coast of America to teach a course on building skin on frame kayaks.

I am looking for interested people to register expression of interest in a course to be run in Sydney.

To my knowlede this would be the fist time a 'real' (read professional who makes a living from building these boats every day) skin on frame teacher has visited the east coast of Aus to pass on their skills.

So far the idea is in concept stage - registering interest from people, costing out the course by the teacher, and organising dates ect. When I get a final costing I will release the name of the teacher.

The aim is to have an intensive course of 8 days where each participant builds a kayak and takes it home. The designs are based on traditional methods and modern interpretation of these. The resultant boats are tough and can deal with real world conditions. Options for the boat you could build are extensive - they range from a traditional greenland sea kayak, to an aleutian bairdarka, to a boat for racing in river races to a modern design for sea kayaking.

The key thing is the course will be in Sydney, probably in late November 09, and cost something like $2000 or so. You will need to bring some hand tools only. All materials provided. At the end you leave with a tough skin on frame kayak built by you, for you, with assistance from a professional.

Course spots will be limited to 6 or 7 places. The final number will define costs.
At present I have 2 confirmed people. Space only for 5 left.

At this stage I am looking for interested people. If interested please email me (Tom) at [email ([email protected]) address deleted - suggest using the Forums' private message system]

Eventually I will post updates on my website: www.elverpaddles.com (http://www.elverpaddles.com) when I have more details confirmed.

(I am not making a profit from organising this - just facilitating a teacher to come here and teach us - 'cause its too expensive for me to fly to the US to learn how to build a SOF boat, and then I have to pay heaps to bring the boat back.)



19th May 2009, 09:50 PM
Paddle quicker ,I hear the sound of banjos.:o

20th May 2009, 09:55 AM
Yup thats always a good idea when you hear banjos on the water.. Just make sure you do it in a really nice boat!! :U