View Full Version : Timber info

14th June 2009, 09:06 PM

A mate gave me a couple of cutoffs from 2 different tress. He called one a "Wild Apple" and there is 2 pieces and the other "Stringy Bark". Pics of them in ute - from the left 2 pies of Wild Apple and then the Stingy Bark.

Never done anything with logs previously and aim was a long term expirement and was going to try and slab cut them.

If I can somehow cut them I was going to let dry out and then in a few years do something if they are ok.

The Wild Apple seems to have rot or something like it. You can see the rings in pic.

I have taken all bark off and cleaned. Need to treat somehow.

Should I try and cut or get them cut while near wet - they came down in storm about 5 months ago?
And any ideas who and or how?
What can people tell me about the timber - is it ok?
How long does it take to dry?


16th June 2009, 09:49 AM
The 'wild apple' looks like 'rough barked apple' which is angophora floribunda. I've played with a little bit and it's like eucalypt timber to work - short-grained and dusty but the stuff I had had a lot of fiddleback which looked good. Looks like dry rot has started in your logs so you'll be pushing it to get clean solid boards.
Can't help you with the Stringybark - never worked it myself :shrug:
The sooner you saw it into boards the better as the logs will split if left whole. The time it takes to dry depends on how thick you saw the boards and where you store them. Roughly a year per inch of thickness.

16th June 2009, 10:09 AM
Should I try and cut or get them cut while near wet - they came down in storm about 5 months ago?

And any ideas who and or how?
Post a thread in the Milling forum

How long does it take to dry?
Depends how thick it is cut. It takes roughly an inch of thickness per year to dry

16th June 2009, 10:47 AM
Thanks people.

I had been trying to research the Apple and was woundering if it was Swamp Box (Tristania suaveolens ) - but really don't know. It did come from the bank above a creek and apparently broke off about half way where rot or something else had weakened it.

Cheers and thanks for help


17th June 2009, 07:46 PM
Not 100% sure but I believe that it is one inch from each side.
So if your board was 2 inches thick it would take about 1 year