View Full Version : What saw should i get sub $50

23rd June 2009, 06:39 PM
ok so im kinda new to all of this.

what im doing is makin some drums and moulds to go with it.

so what would be better for cutting small quantities of wood, a circular saw or a jigsaw? and what would be better to buy new or try to find a secondhand one.

I really dont plan on cutting anything too thick, mabye 2-3cm max.

And another thing, is it possible to mount a jigsaw to a table or something kind a like you can do to a router table?


23rd June 2009, 11:13 PM
Andy, I think you need to be a little more specific about your requirements.

I've always been a fan of second hand gear. If you shop around, you can get some great bargains, and top quality, for a knock-down price. There's lots of cheap new stuff around, but all you'll be buying is... a cheap tool... in every way. Garage sales and markets are a great place to pick up bargains, provided you (a) turn up early, and (b) steer clear of specialist tool dealers.

Triton has been providing DIY users with a great way to mount saws, jigsaws and routers in their Workcentres for many years now, and there's plenty available second hand.

Hope this helps.

24th June 2009, 12:04 AM
oh sorry.

I have been thinking about it and i think that a jigsaw will do me better. Mostly the thickest peice of wood i will cut is 90x35, accross the width not the length, i would just like something that would be easy to mount as i think a saw that i can push the wood through would be that little bit more accurate then me pushing the saw through the wood. If that makes sense.

i also wont be cutting huge quantites.

hope that made it a little more clear

5th July 2009, 11:09 PM
For the drums side of things you'll be better of with a circular saw rigged up as a table saw. gor the drum building a jigsaw is almost useless...I have never had a use for it in that area of work anyway. Cheers

5th July 2009, 11:41 PM
thank steve, you seem to be helping me out a fair bit on all the forums these days. haha.

5th July 2009, 11:51 PM
hah its ok mate, if you have questions shoot me an email, I'll see where i can help