View Full Version : NSW Rules!

7th July 2004, 11:03 PM

And that's about all I have to say about that.

7th July 2004, 11:05 PM
Oh dear. Another disillusioned person. :eek:

7th July 2004, 11:17 PM
The outcome of a football match (assuming that's what you are talking about)has absolutely zero influence or effect on my life... so in my terms...


:D :D

Robert WA
8th July 2004, 12:34 AM
Dyslexia Lures KO

8th July 2004, 07:16 AM

Yeah, and we all thought they were supposed to be playing to International Rules!



8th July 2004, 10:10 AM
Can't avoid the fact that WE WON!!!!!!!!

Marvellous what a difference it makes when you have an impartial ref on the field ;)

Cliff Rogers
8th July 2004, 10:36 AM

Not only did they win, (we won't mention the tactics required :rolleyes: )
but they have finally managed to go one up over the entire series....

Now let me see, how long has that taken..... ummm.... geeze, I forget!! :D

Enjoy it while it lasts.

8th July 2004, 10:42 AM
we won't mention the tactics required

What, like giving QLD all those penalties? And they STILL couldn't get a decent score on the board :rolleyes: Or are you referring to Sing breaking his jaw on Freddy's head? Serves him right for trying to nut Freddy :p

At least we didn't have the QLD fan for a ref that we had last time. If that wasn't contrived to make sure there was a third match, then I'm Zed's Uncle.

Cliff Rogers
8th July 2004, 10:51 AM
I said, "we won't mention the tactics required"

but since you have, :D
the reason for all the penalties was the NSW tactics....
you are supposed to play the ball, not the man. :rolleyes:

Tristan Croll
8th July 2004, 11:04 AM
Dyslexia Lures KO

Tihs msesgae has bene boruhgt to you by the <b>N</b>taoianl <b>D</b>syelxcis <b>A</b>soscaitoin (<b>DNA</b>).

The curse of Telstra Stadium lives on...

8th July 2004, 11:06 AM
that early hit by hindmarsh and fitzgibbon on slater was a cruncher. go the blues!

8th July 2004, 11:06 AM
I thought it was a pretty clean game actually, apart from Minichiello's indiscretion. One or two dodgey tackles. You can't take it away from the Blues, they won because they played better on the night. Call it home crowd advantage or whatever you like.

Much better than game 2, which was a shocker and QLD was no team of angels then either.

8th July 2004, 11:07 AM
Oi, us queenslanders know that we are better than you nsw folk. You see, We may not have won that match, but our coach doesn't have a pole shoved up his you know what, and our coaches don't teach our players to stop the opposition from getting to the ball by holding them back physically. Ohh, and by the way, notice at the start when they were talking about lil' old phil gould (can't spell his name, not worth my time to learn) they showed him jumping up and down all happy at the end of the first game, but notice how they didn't show him walking away with his tail between his legs in the second game, ohh and i add that he done that before the team lost?

And yes I know, after saying this I will never be allowed in NSW ever again, I have been banished from the blue state for all eternity.


8th July 2004, 11:13 AM
Spoken like a true 19 Year old, Nik.

Maybe if you spent less time worrying about what Gus has up his asre and more time learning how to hang onto the ball, you might have a better chance next time :D

8th July 2004, 11:59 AM
the indescrition by kenedy stoppng singh (?) scoring was worthy of a sin bin to I thought...

8th July 2004, 12:14 PM
ohh SilentC, That hit me where it hurts :D Us youngsters have feelings too you know. And by the way, turning 20 in november for your information :) But seriously, nobody really knows what gus has up his ****, you could kind of say he's an enigma, hey, that might be what he's got shoved up there, who knows? But I aint a sore looser that's for sure, a looser yes, a sore looser no. So congratulations on your (and your states) win and may the best state win next year.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


The now mentally hurt, but i'll survive, Nik.

8th July 2004, 12:21 PM
I don't know what Gus has where the sun doesn't shine either but he certainly has an ugly mug on him.


BTW I'm only 9 myself, so I can't talk :D

8th July 2004, 12:30 PM
Ohhh, he's got a face on him that even his mother wouldn't love. And by the way, for a nine year old your pretty good at sentence structure and grammar, though, I can't say much about your abilities at picking footy teams, but none the less, you've earned yourself a gold star for that little effort. :D :D :D

Have fun, and eat your vegetables after dinner young silentC, otherwise NSW will loose next year. :D :D :eek: :eek: bit too far...I'll stop it now.


8th July 2004, 01:07 PM
that early hit by hindmarsh and fitzgibbon on slater was a cruncher. go the blues!
What it was , was illegal, Slater was targeted from kick off.
Minicello should have been sin binned and a penalty try awarded for his effort.
Same should have happened when wesser was taken out of the contest in the end zone. (by fitzgibbon?)

Mind you NSW effectivly shut down Slatter and Smith and that isn't easy, which left only 2 QLD players on the field Sivinasiva (sp sorry :o ) and the captain (temp blank on his name) to make any yards.
The NSW forwards were amazing, QLD was unable to stop them off loading at will, they stood up in every tackle, it was amazing to watch.
As for the unpire - he kept the players in tight which favours the bigger pack and doesn't give the back room to run and dodge. But thats Simkins all over, he is always like that.

All in all it was a good match to watch and the best team under the conditions won.

(just as long as the storm guys get through uninjured I'll live)

8th July 2004, 01:10 PM

We took pity on you and refrained from including Mr Hopoate in the team.


8th July 2004, 01:16 PM

We took pity on you and refrained from including Mr Hopoate in the team.


But brace yourself - we are sending around to your place :eek:
Prostate exam anyone? :D

8th July 2004, 01:18 PM
Same should have happened when wesser was taken out of the contest in the end zone. (by fitzgibbon?)

Wasn't that Kennedy? I don't know, it could have been innocent enough. He didn't look at the ball though but it was all pretty quick. Definitely agree on The Count, good for us but he was a naughty boy.

Rocker, the NSW guys wear special shorts when Hopper is on the field ;)

8th July 2004, 01:21 PM
I don’t want to get involved guys. I am just so happy that NSW won.

BTW Dave I washed the Storm played the Panthers last Friday night. Man, they are playing awesome at the moment.

8th July 2004, 01:37 PM
HOPOATE! That's what gus has shoved up there! I couldn't resist that one fellas. :D

Cliff Rogers
8th July 2004, 01:43 PM
I thought it was a pretty clean game actually....

Ya reckon? :rolleyes: I reckon it was one of the dirtiest games I've seen in ages.
From were I was sitting, admittedly in QLD, it looked to me like the NSW
instructions were to play the man, not the ball.
Those blokes were out there to hurt as many blokes as they could. :mad:
If the game had been a bit more open (like game 2) to give the little blokes
room to run away from the gorillas, it would have been a different result
'cos after an hour or so of running the gorillas knock up & loose interest.

8th July 2004, 05:02 PM
now now cliffie that sounds like sour grapes to me, why not play the man ? isnt it about getting the most points at the end of the 80mins ? I say its a valid strategy. I remember a certain very first SOO where one arthur beetson took out his parramatta teammate mick cronin - isnt that playing the man ? i;ve lost count if how many games are decided by muscling a few key opponents - terry lamb on ellery hanly in the Grand final comes to mind - that was a cracker!!!

admit it this year since they didnt win this year qld are no second place but rather the first looooooooooooooooooooooosers!!!!

8th July 2004, 09:56 PM
I am glad I don't follow any code of footy. :D

8th July 2004, 10:36 PM
I am glad I don't follow any code of footy. :D

With you there .

One code to follow is enough and it's bloody hard sometimes for us Ninjas!!

BTW,for those that don't know, rule 6 in the Ninja Code of conduct says; "Don't follow any code of footy."

P ;)

9th July 2004, 09:08 AM
You'll be telling us you hate cricket next :eek:

Bloody un-Australian, that's what it is :rolleyes:

9th July 2004, 09:34 AM
Thanks , I thought this was a Bunnies post or something :p

9th July 2004, 09:40 AM
Ahh, so you're a South Sydney supporter then.

Little Festo
9th July 2004, 10:46 AM
Talking about dirty tactics, did anyone see that QLD player give Gasnier a mobile phone and Cliffy - Webke, Civenocieva, Carlaw and Price ran at the man all night - hardly used the ball at all. I was a bit suprised, QLD didn't show their normal diehard spirit, they seemed to lose spirit at the end. Hope the Bronco's get "crunched" tonight too.

One eyed Blues supporter - Peter

Cliff Rogers
9th July 2004, 02:29 PM
...- Webke, Civenocieva, Carlaw and Price ran at the man all night - hardly used the ball at all.

Hey? Where were those blokes??? :confused:
I didn't even see them on the field all night....
I think it's time Webke got a job selling hamburgers somewhere...
If he was running at the man it's 'cos that man had the ball earlier &
had already passed it & poor silly old Webke hadn't noticed yet... :D

9th July 2004, 02:34 PM
I didn't even see them on the field all night

Are you sure you were watching the same game, Cliff? ;)

9th July 2004, 02:46 PM
Webke and Civenocieva were the only maroons on the field, how could you miss them.

9th July 2004, 02:50 PM
Where was Liz when all this was going on??? :)


9th July 2004, 02:57 PM
She was round at my place for tea.

9th July 2004, 05:12 PM
Gees Silent if I'd kown it wasn't your mum I might of taken her up on the offer ;) :eek: