View Full Version : how do you build a tree house?

tea lady
27th June 2009, 08:25 PM
So we ask the Small Boy where he would like his cubby house. ...... :think: ........ "Up there!!!" he says.:doh: Pointing to the pine tree. :C ..............."O...........K......".....Hubby says. ....... ":scream:.".......I say. :C

So where do you start?
We got lots of wood from pulling down various thongs that use to clutter up the shed. Any plans out there? And/or general instructions? :-:D

27th June 2009, 08:54 PM
I reckon Bob (echnidna) would know

Skew ChiDAMN!!
27th June 2009, 08:54 PM
How high?

If only 6' or so off the ground, I'd slap some 4x4 posts in each corner and simply build the cubby on those, "around" the tree.

Any higher and you're looking at all sorts of problems, such as The Council. :rolleyes:

27th June 2009, 09:06 PM
First start with tree,does anybody know what next

tea lady
27th June 2009, 09:26 PM
How high?

If only 6' or so off the ground, I'd slap some 4x4 posts in each corner and simply build the cubby on those, "around" the tree.

Any higher and you're looking at all sorts of problems, such as The Council. :rolleyes:Plus Mum won't let him go any higher than that.:rolleyes:

First start with tree,does anybody know what next:p Luckily someone planted one some 20 years ago.

Tex B
27th June 2009, 09:46 PM
Skew's on the right track. I built a couple for my kids (years ago). The platform was about chest high for me (I am rather short), with rails around it that took it up to about six feet maybe. That way, I could lift them up or down if needed, and I didn't think it was high enough to cause real damage in a fall. They loved it, and played on it until they were near teenagers - and then only because we moved house.

Solid 4x4 legs, bolted construction, cross bracing, etc.

Have fun!


27th June 2009, 10:34 PM
I reckon Bob (echnidna) would know

WOT :oo: :oo: :o:o

ok the full answer is......

...... Skews idea is the most practical way. :U

27th June 2009, 10:45 PM
We got lots of wood from pulling down various thongs that use to clutter up the shed.

This im hanging out to see pics of. A tree house made from discarded wood and thongs. What type of thongs are we talking about?

tea lady
27th June 2009, 10:53 PM
This im hanging out to see pics of. A tree house made from discarded wood and thongs. What type of thongs are we talking about?:rolleyes: Aren't ttyops wonderful!!!!! What type of thongs? :think: Really odd ones.:p

tea lady
27th June 2009, 10:55 PM
WOT :oo: :oo: :o:o

ok the full answer is......

...... Skews idea is the most practical way. :U
:cool: Will inwestigate.:D

28th June 2009, 10:03 AM
In my cubby house days we used to love pine trees. Nice level branches coming straight off the main trunk. We had one that went up 7 stories with the first story being a couple of metres off the ground. All around tree jobs as already indcated, seriously doubt they would have achieved council approval but at 12 years old that wasn't a great concern for us:D. We have some huge pine trees about 150m from our house and I am waiting for my 10 year old to start taking tools to make one for himself:-

Good luck and looking forward to the pictures:2tsup:

28th June 2009, 12:31 PM
Hi Anna-Marie, Tea Lady,
I bought a Beautiful book a few years ago, by Peter & Judy Nelson with John Larkin.
The ISBN No. 0-7893-0411-2 paperback. Called " The Tree House Book ".
Published by " UNIVERSE PUBLISHING ", New York . 224 pages.
Has some beautiful Tree Houses & in colour . Unfortunately there are no plans, just very good photos. That is it from here.

tea lady
29th June 2009, 12:18 AM
Hi Anna-Marie, Tea Lady,
I bought a Beautiful book a few years ago, by Peter & Judy Nelson with John Larkin.
The ISBN No. 0-7893-0411-2 paperback. Called " The Tree House Book ".
Published by " UNIVERSE PUBLISHING ", New York . 224 pages.
Has some beautiful Tree Houses & in colour . Unfortunately there are no plans, just very good photos. That is it from here.
aaaah! that is tweaking my memory. I think I have seen it at the library. That's one trip to do over the holidays.:D

29th June 2009, 12:33 AM
Best start TL by building the tree-house on the ground. Next pop-on down to the nursery and pick out desired tree. Plant under tree-house. Now sit back, heels up and let nature do all the hard stuff.:D

tea lady
29th June 2009, 07:25 PM
Best start TL by building the tree-house on the ground. Next pop-on down to the nursery and pick out desired tree. Plant under tree-house. Now sit back, heels up and let nature do all the hard stuff.:D

But That's if I'm building one for HIS kids.:doh:

29th June 2009, 07:36 PM
posts! thats not a tree house. when i was younger we made on in a spotty gum tree. 3m of the ground its quite easy you just have to bolt the rails to the trunk in the right manner.

using huge coach bolts is always good. :2tsup:

Skew ChiDAMN!!
29th June 2009, 08:07 PM
...and when I was younger you could go shopping and leave your doors unlocked... and a teacher could clout a student across the ear without fear of ending up jobless and in court.

You build a kid's cubby house 3m off the ground nowadays, especially in suburbia, and you'd best have a good solicitor. (In some shires, if it's bigger than a dog-box you need a building permit and it must meet code. :sigh: )

29th June 2009, 08:12 PM
1. I have never lived in suberbia
2. I can still leave there doors unlocked
3. I can still go shoping

we also had a good one down teh gully it was between 6 trees made out of saplings we cut from around where we built it. it started of on the ground and went out about 8m and ended up 5 m of teh ground over the creek/gully. its probably still down tehre but its to far to walk to have a look.

tea lady
30th June 2009, 10:30 AM
1. I have never lived in suberbia
2. I can still leave there doors unlocked
3. I can still go shoping

we also had a good one down teh gully it was between 6 trees made out of saplings we cut from around where we built it. it started of on the ground and went out about 8m and ended up 5 m of teh ground over the creek/gully. its probably still down tehre but its to far to walk to have a look.Oh go on! The places you take that ute of yours, surely you can get down there to take some pics.:D

30th June 2009, 07:10 PM
well obviousy you have never seen Upper Brookfield:U.

30th June 2009, 08:34 PM
When I was that old, around here not many tree's... we'd dig a bunker cubby instead as we didnt need them blasted adults interfering with our plans!

glenn k
30th June 2009, 08:50 PM
In my cubby house days we used to love pine trees. Nice level branches coming straight off the main trunk. We had one that went up 7 stories with the first story being a couple of metres off the ground. All around tree jobs as already indcated, seriously doubt they would have achieved council approval but at 12 years old that wasn't a great concern for us:D. We have some huge pine trees about 150m from our house and I am waiting for my 10 year old to start taking tools to make one for himself:-

Good luck and looking forward to the pictures:2tsup:

Yep 150m is a huge pine 3 times higher than any pine I have seen.

30th June 2009, 09:22 PM
the pines are 150m away not 150m tall i think but if im rong let me know and ill grab my chainsaw and come for a drive.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
30th June 2009, 09:28 PM
We had a 150' kite-eating pine in our back paddock. Fell out of it one day when I was trying to retrieve a kite and I didn't get a scratch! :2tsup:

O' course, the fact I'd only climbed maybe 6' helped a lot...

30th June 2009, 10:20 PM
I have a serious complaint with Scottys post, I read the entry then had a brain wave, oops too late.

1st July 2009, 07:50 PM
I had to double check what I said then... yeah, the trees are about 150m from our house:2tsup:... you can put the chainsaw back in the shed and unload the ute Carl:D

glenn k
1st July 2009, 11:09 PM
Sorry about that corbs I did notice I misread; then the web site went down and I couldn't remove it. I did learn from my mistake.

1st July 2009, 11:36 PM
Sorry about that corbs I did notice I misread; then the web site went down and I couldn't remove it. I did learn from my mistake.

All good:2tsup:... did think I had found a 150m pine tree. Carl if I find one, will give you a call... we have a spare room:D

2nd July 2009, 05:59 PM
BuiLT a tree house when I was a kid. old fence palings and roofing iron. did it on the ground and cut a small hole in the floor. I dropped a pine nut in the hole. went back a couple years ago...bloody great big radiata growing out the roof of the remains....:D