View Full Version : Need Poplar and Ash

29th June 2009, 10:01 PM
It's a long shot but I'll try anyway. I'm working on an antique aeroplane project and need to source timber as specified in the original. I have some fairly specific requirements:

Poplar - final thickness 5mm fairly straight and reasonably free from knots. I'm happy to re-saw and understand that there may be a lot of waste to get usable timber. As far as quantity goes I need enough to make up pieces 1220 x 50 (40 off) and 720 x 45 (38 off). Lengths can be much shorter as I can join them. If anyone has logs in Vic I can collect and resaw/season.

Ash - (must be European or US, sadly Vic Ash is no good). I need a piece 500 x 60 x 70 and must be quarter sawn and knot free. Also need some longer lengths (approx 1300 and 800) x 17 x 5 mm (final dimensions). Again, straight grain and mostly knot free. I can also do with some ash for wing interplane struts (the struts that go from the top wing to the bottom wing of a biplane).

I've tried Matthews timber for the Ash. They can supply the thinner stuff but it's pretty variable on quality (and only about 2 in 50 boards are quarter sawn). They don't stock the thicker stuff and definitely no Poplar!

Any tips are appreciated! :U

Timber Bloke
8th July 2009, 04:35 PM
I have some poplar of various sizes. Some is very straight grained and some with marbling. It is dry.

You can give me a call 0417175590


glenn k
8th July 2009, 06:03 PM
I have several cubic meters of poplar,6x 6", 4x 2", 6x1" mainly but other sizes aswell. several types, lombardy poplar is lighter than deltoidies. I don't have any Ash but I could get you some green stuff in a couple of days.