View Full Version : The journey

10th July 2004, 06:32 PM
I dedicate this thread to Midge. :)
Like they say the journey is half the fun of getting there..
Well today I cut 24 motises all by hand ( I did drill out the waste first, does this count? )
These are my first ever motises, before this I was a virgin.
I am making the drawer slides/kickers for my roll top desk.
The tenons were all cut on the table saw.
I intend to mortice the slides into the desk sides too.

And I had fun today. :o
I dont know why, as there were no power tools involved, Im confused. :confused:
The pic shows the slides, which are all M&T together.

Al :)

10th July 2004, 06:41 PM
And I had fun today. :o

Thats great Alan :)

10th July 2004, 07:04 PM
Good moaning!

And I had fun today. :o
I dont know why, as there were no power tools involved, Im confused. :confused:

Al :)

See? Until you joined this BB, you were an unhappy power tool junkie, finishing all your projects in double-quick time and attempting to out-Norm His Normness - which is impossible - hence the unhappiness. :eek:

But now you've had some of the other BBers around to your place, you've fed one of them through your drum sander, you've had a go at one of Wood Borer's planes and you've decided to stop Norming and do it all quietly. Result?

And I had fun today.

What you need now is to go and buy about 20 different hand planes. Then you can sit in your workshop for hours at a time looking at them and you'll never make another piece of woodwork - but you'll be happy. :D

Bob Willson
10th July 2004, 07:33 PM
And I had fun today. :o
I dont know why, as there were no power tools involved, Im confused. Stay calm Al. There were plenty of power tools involved. Remember the tenons you cut on the table saw and the holes you drilled with the big floor mounted drill? And didn't you use use your nice big sander for a while too? Those were all power tools. You can rest easy. You are not losing your mind. Power is the way to go. The rest is just a temporary aberration. Power, power, power. Rest now Al. Go to sleep and dream. Dream of power tools Al.

10th July 2004, 11:09 PM

I am extremely flattered, humbled and embarrassed by the dedication of this thread to moi. :p :p :p :p

In fact just for today, I think we should refer to you as Journeyman Oz. :D

My own journey has indeed also involved the use of hand tools...in this case one of our mutual favourites: THE HACKSAW!!

(This morning was different...made my first "thing" at Carol Rix' woodturning classes at Nambour...woohooo! - see attached round lump of Camphor with a hole drilled in it for a candle, finished of course with EEE under Shellawax ;) ..)

The rest of the day I spent cutting up big bits of pipe into little bits and sticking them back together with tape. I figure I am going to have to get a seven litre diesel motor to power the fan to get enough suck, but it's been fun.

Just back from getting a bit of food and music at the Organic Cafe in Maroochydore to finish the day, gotta go Nigh nigh's now so I'm all fresh and pretty looking for Rocker's in the morning!

Love your work!

11th July 2004, 09:04 AM
Love the plumbing. :D


12th July 2004, 04:23 PM
sure do love the lego

Wood Borer
12th July 2004, 05:23 PM

This is fantastic.

Having fun and being proud of your achievements is good for the soul no matter if you are using power tools or hand tools or some other type of tools.

Being flexible using all sorts of tools means your designs can become closer to your imagination and not dictated by your tools.

Keep up the good work and enjoy the never ending journey.

- Wood Borer