First off, this is my first visit to your site, following a recommendation from a guitar building site for a special present I want made...

OK, Straight into it.

You all know the game twister? You know the board with a spinning dial that dictates what limb must be placed on what colour? Well, I want this made from wood - a nicely figured wood like a flame or quilt maple with MOP inlays to distinguish what limb is to be placed where! I dont imagine this to be a terribly complicated piece of woodworking, I also imagine some of you may have some bits and pieces laying around too. The size is roughly the same as a large Pizza!

It needs to have a a dial that spins obviously, but I thought perhaps I could pull the mechanism from a clock and use that... Ill figure that part out anyway, but the wood and inlay Ill need to have made!

Look forward to dealing with someone here!

Oh, and this is NOT a joke! It is more my partner who is making a twister "rug", I thought this would be a nice compliment - and surprise!

Sorry for the vague description, but im sure you will have a general idea of what im getting at.

Admin/Mods - I wasnt really sure where to post this either... sorry if it's in the wrong area