Hey all,

I'm new to the WW forum, but have read some great info from the members here. Have only gotten into DIY in last few yrs whilst helping a chippie renovate my place. I bought my 70's built home from a retired Civil & Civic foreman a few years ago. He built a lot of the structures around my place. I'm slowly uncovering his err workmanship.

Got a project that I need some advice on. Have a large deck that I need to fix it as my toddler is getting mobile & deck is not safe or to BCA spec -does not have sufficient balustrades & at 1.3 high from ground level.

As you can see from pics the rails and posts are offset. The rails connect to brick wall at 2 sides of house (with door hinges). I need to fill gaps between rails but dont want to use lattice as Mrs thinks its tacky. Have considered SS wire but not sure if that will look that great also wont be able to go through posts.

Any ideas would be appreciated.