Hi all,

I have a metal stand that I am using for an aquarium. Please see http://www.amnet.net.au/~draco3/tank/bnewtank2.JPG to get an idea of what the stand looks like. I wanted to make this look like a wooden cabinet without building one from scratch.

The original intention was to get some panelling and pretty much screw the wood in from behind & hence not being able to see the screws from the front. The tank itself is full of water & fish, so the option of really taking the tank out to do the whole screw in thing is something I would like to try and avoid.

I thought about maybe having hanging panels that would make it look like a cabinet. Pretty much sheets at the front and the sides that hang off the edges of the top part of the metal frame. Would this work and how would I (i) do this and (ii) keep the pieces together so they don't move on their own accord & give the impression of 1 solid structure?