Hi there,

I am wanting to create a deck in a small, narrow area. It is approx 5 metres long, and 1 metre wide, between a house wall and a freestanding brick wall (unsure at the moment if it's single or double skin). There is a perpendicular wall of around 1 metre at the end, connecting the house to this freestanding wall. This is like a small alley, there is no acces to it via the house, only at the end where there is a gate.

My primary question is, whether it would be safe to affix the ledger board to the freestanding wall? The wall seems kind of old and isn't totally straight! My plan of attack is to affix a ledger board to the house wall, then a ledger to the freestanding wall, and run bearers (not joists) between them every 1200mm, then affix two more ledgers/joists to the walls above that, and a central joist. Then run the decking perpendicular to the house (not parallel as is normal) as it will look better that way considering the entry is at the end through the gate.

Also, what kind of dynabolts should I use, as in length/thickness etc? And the spacing between the dynabolts (and distance from the end of the ledgers?)

I hope that my description is adequate for you to understand what I mean!

