I have been reading the thread on Bunnings and the lack of their committement to the 15% the say they will give off. Near where I live is a shop that sells tools. A few weeks ago I noticed that they had a table saw for sale at what seemed to me to be a good price so I went to have a look on a Saturday morning. When I went into the shop a salesman (I am joking) poked his head around the corner and grunted at me. In response to my questions I got some more incomprehensible grunts. I asked if I could use a straight edge to check something on the saw. But they didn't have one- which I know was not so. All this time he never actually came into the shop. he merely poked his head into it from around the corner. I am a bit slow but I eventaully realised that I was just a nusisance to him. So I left and have not been back. In contrast there is a man at my local Mitre 10 who would move heaven and earth to give you a hand. Guess where I go spend my money. Same with CarabaTec. A week ago I emailed them with a question regarding a saw they sell. No response. I bought 2 record lathes from them. When I needed some spare parts for the lathes the service went like this. "We are not agents for record anymore and we don't stock any parts. Don't know where you can get any parts either." They forgot to say that they didn't care. To be fair I have dealt with one of 2 from carbatec who did seem to want to be employed in sales.

The market is ripe for a company that will offer service that means something and such service is worth a premium on the price.