1.When you say "the ura is flattening back from the edge about 4mm" what do you mean by this??? Do you mean that the back of the blade is not touching the stone 4mm from the tip?

Yes. From the tip it is rough, then 4mm back it is all good. Slowly creeping up to the tip.
Oh, then you just keep pressing the tip (french) like you mentioned, and do uraoshi until the stone touches all the way to the tip. BUT, if the tip is very rounded, it need a ura"dashi" (light hammer tapping) and bend the tip so that you don't have to grind too much, but this process requires high skill, and if you blow it you'll end up with a huge chunk of chip... But basicaly those chisels shouldn't be so bad since it has basically been sharpened at the professional sharpener, so I'm sure you don't have to do any uradashi. Just keep on doing uradashi patiently.

2. What does 'french' mean?

Allez? Hehe. It simply means to apply a bit more power or to hold it slightly differently to flatten further forward. Push more on the tip and less near the handle.
Yes, that's exactly what you need to do. Is this term a widely known and used one? Then from next time it is easier for me to explain!

4. #4000 grit, you can either get from Shapton, or a natural stone called Aoto.

I think the WW show in MLB I'll get one, or maybe browse around a certain friend's online store .
Oh, when I said "from Shapton", I meant I can get one from Shapton for you. Aoto as well. It should be cheaper than getting it from elsewhere if you are interested.

That's about it for now I guess?
Howz your course going BTW?
The attendance phase is over, I just need to get the essays and papers out of the way now .
Oh, then it's the fun part!

Talk to you again