Gooday fellow woodies...
I was wondering if there was anybody in Brisbane who may be able to help me set up my shop..Billinudgel Woodworks..
Ideally I'd like 2 or 3 people to help..It's not hard work, or heavy..
We have some very exotic and beautiful timber as payment if anybody who helped would like...or we could work it out....
Dates for the help are...15 & 16 May 2013 and also 5pm 19th may & morning of 20th may.
I would also like someone to help man the shop Friday morning 10.30am till 2 pm..(while the kids are visiting, just walking around and possibly help with sales...) If anyone can help I would love to hear from you asap..
It's been so long since I used this forum I can't remember how to say to reply to me...but you's probably know how...
Look foward to it, thanks..
Big Stan

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