Gooday Fellow woodies..

I need some help in setting up, pulling down and possibly some help manning our shop "Billinudgel Woodworks" at the July 2013 Timber & working with wood show (Homebush bay)..
It's not hard or heavy work, help can be male / female....possibly even a well trained dog !
Payment can be a choice of some bewtifull ...really bewtifull rare aust timbers..suitable for box making, wood turning or a cigar box guitar kit or components or even some cash...

dates needed would be..

24 & 25th set up, 26th from 10am till 2 pm security walking in the shop (lots of school kids ) or possibly behind the counter & selling, possibly some selling sat 27th & 28th behind the counter, Sunday 28th 4pm till 8pm ..packing up and monday 29th 8am till 11am finish packing...possibly earlier finish though..

What you'd need..
A weak mind and a strong back
a sense of humor
a crunchy Anzac biscuit for the boss's smoko
****nah, none of the items are important, specially the I'm watching my figure !
email me privately and we can talk or communicate..

All the above timetable doesn't have to be 1 person, different people could do different times or days..

Best Regards,
Big Stan