Quote Originally Posted by newjon View Post
Was feeling like doing some milling this morning, I should have stayed in bed. I put my old blade on which had been resharpened after cutting the Budgerrooo the other Day and proceeded to Cut up a Small piece of Boonaree (Western Rosewood) 8" in Dia. I started the 1st cut and the blade dived severly, I backed the blade out, shut the machine off and started to work out what went wrong.

I put a set gauge on the Blade and discovered that the set had gone on one side of the Blade. No Worries, I thought. I will Just put a new Blade on!
With a brand new blade installed I tried again. Holy ####!!! The blade entered the Log,everthing started shuddering the log was ripped from the Holders and the Blade came Off!

Now I had to do some serious pondering, The new Blade from Henry Bros comes as a 10 Deg Hook and approx 24 thou set(Using the Dinasaw set gauge). Am I right in thinking this is way to much set for the Diameter of the log. Or is something else going wrong.
Having read back through this Newjohn, in your third paragraph you talk about there being too much set for the diameter log. How much set you put on is determined by 2 factors. The most important being the thickness of the blade itself. If its an 0.42, set it at 19 though, 0.45 21 though etc. most blades come to you over set out of the box. With woodmizer its usually about 23,24 thou set. The only time i put more set on them is when the timber may be harder, allowing moore time for the set to be knocked off