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Thread: Chiropractors

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Default Chiropractors

    I have used chiropractors for years because of lower back problems.
    Sometimes I can go for months without any trouble and then............

    My most recent flare up is the worst I have had for a long, long time and
    as a result I have a very painful, and difficult to deal with treatment wise,
    Left hip.

    I have used several chiropractors over the years, mainly due to a practitioner
    moving or retiring, or in the most recent case, because we moved and the first
    fellow I was seeing here was uncontactable.

    Now all these practitioners are very self confident and convinced that the members
    of the medical profession would do well to be chiropractors. In fact some are quite
    cocky about the practice of chiropracty.

    I have read much of the literature published by the various bodies and some of the
    claims made in some of the literature raise a fair amount of scepticism from me.

    What do others think???

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  3. #2
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    I first went to a chiropractor with bad back pain back in the late 80's. (Lesson - don't push cars uphill!)

    The guy was great; did a full 'what's your range of motion' set of tests on me, and then based his adjustment on that, and re-checked to see if my range of motion had improved. Unfortunately, he went back to Canada after a few years, and every single chiropractor I've been to after that has not even been in the ballpark.

    He was the only one who ever did anything even vaguely diagnostic-like.

    Since then, the ones I have seen have been getting more and more like quacks. One was sure that my back pain was caused by my neck and could be fixed by using this little activator thing on my neck; others have just jumped right in with a quick lumbar roll with or without some neck twists. There hasn't been any rhyme or reason to the 'treatment' applied that I could fathom.

    If I could find another like the first - who actually seemed to know what he was dong - I'd be there in a flash. Until then... anyone know a regular doctor who prescribes valium?

  4. #3
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    I have used them in the past for various ailments and have had much relief from them, HOWEVER I am very reluctant to go to one cold. I have only gone to those who have had good recommendations from friends and acquaintances. All those who I have gone to have claimed to have the best technique, however they have all been different, ranging from no good for my problems to fixing them completely for a time.
    Check my facebook:rhbtimber

  5. #4
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    Default Physiotherapists

    Has any one tried physiotherapy?


  6. #5
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    Jun 2013


    The trick is to ensure you go regularly about every 6 weeks, not just when you are in pain. I have lower back issues and would regularly be laid up for days at a time maybe a couple of times a year. Since seeing a Chiro on a regular basis I have not had any major problems that have seen me incapacitated for over 5 years. I swear by them. Got to find a good one though.
    Cheers, Bill

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    As someone who's tried Chiropractors, Physiotherapists and Osteopaths.

    Physiotherapy only worked for a sporting injury, I've been referred a few times for other problems and resorted to a Chiropractor or Osteopath for treatment that worked.

    I'd agree that Chiropractic care is a bit hit and miss when it comes to Practitioners and knowing the sort of treatment you do and don't like makes a big difference. Some people like massive cracking adjustments to make them feel like something is being done vs. the activator or blocks. Referrals are always the best way to find a new practitioner.

    My Osteopath turned out to be the best at solving a long term problem that Chiropractic care only alleviated and is now my first port of call when I have issues

  8. #7
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    Well, to each his own. If you find relief with a particular "specialist" goodonya.
    My personal experience (lower back) is to get referred to a specialist orthopedic surgeon, who will then have the necessary xrays, mri's done and go from there.

    What I found out is if you see a specialist in the Mater Hospital (private) suites, all mri ct scans can be done at the Mater Hospital on a Sunday for zero cost to you, big saving.
    After surgery (mine) physio, pool work and the proper massage does it for me.
    It is always better to find out what exactly is going on as to causing the pain.

  9. #8
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    I was originally treated by physios when I had the injury that has led to intermittent
    but continuing problems. I had several monrhs of hydrotherapy and physio which worked
    well - up to a point.

    Chiropractors have done well for me since. I also visited an osteopath in Brasil for a treatment.
    That was probably the best single treatment I have ever had for anything!

  10. #9
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    Apr 2013


    I have had a dodgy neck for 16 years and when i first went to see one i was about to get a facet block(cortisone injection). I found the first guy was a total quack who proceeded to display a light bulb and switch to explain to me about what was going to happen in case i was a bit slow. It only got worse instantly, and when i told my specialist he nearly fell over laughing. Apparently doctors, will only suggest using chiro's after all else has failed because they(chiro's) can't really wreck it anymore and if you think it is doing good all the better. I wish i had never used them because of the one problem there is at least 3 major ones now. Some chiro's are better than others and didn't do much harm and others where so incompetent it should be illegal. If they actually fixed something it was because they wrecked it the week before. A orthopedic surgeon i used once for a shoulder injury told me to ignore what a pyhsio told me to do because it would wreck all his good work, he said give it time and it would fix it self, he was right and it has been great ever since. Doctors seem to look down on lesser professions, maybe it's vanity, maybe they know more? My neck may still be stuffed even if i hadn't used chiro's but deep down i think most do not have a clue what they are doing. They can do some good if there is not a real problem as i have found for a lower back slipped disc but for a neck that looks like a train wreck on scans they have made major multiple mistakes. When they got to crack my neck after years of agony i was ready to give them a go i was so desperate only to find out what pain really is all about. Use them at your own risk, i would not recommend it. Good old fashion exercise that you can feel and change the severity of the workout is best in my opinion. If it is doing harm you will feel it, but then again, no pain no gain, use it or lose it, just don't trust them to have an easy option, they don't have one.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Not far enough away from Melbourne


    I have been using chiropractors for quite a few years for my lower back (L4, L5) When the problem first started I went to a chiropractor whose treatment was Activator only (the little spring loaded thing. I had not gone to her for that reason, it just turned out that way.To this day I believe tht this treatment was the best thing for my back at that time.

    After a few years I moved interstate and tried a number of practitioners until I found one who seemed to understand. she also used the Activator, but also used the drop-leaf table as well as other manipulations. My back was stronger and ready for the additional treatment by that stage. She was a tiny girl but she was as strong as...She could throw my 184cm 130kg frame around the table like a rag doll.

    We have moved again and found another good one who works very similarly to the previous one. She has just had a baby and is not working again for a while but ther are other chiropractors at the same practice who are good too.

    Physiotherapists hate chiropractors. This is because chiropractors are allowed to diagnose while physiotherapists can only carry out treatment as prescribed by a doctor for a condition that the doctor has diagnosed. That is why you rarely hear a physiotherapist saying anything nice about a chiropractor. Many doctors dislike that chiropractors can diagnose too.

    Do chiropractors work? We for me - yes. I have lurched into the chiropractor's all hunched over and in pain and walked out upright and in far less pain. I go for a maintenence treatment once a month and more frequently if I need to. I usually only need to if I over-exert myself. I can do most things, but I suffer if I overstep the boundaries, then I need putting back together again.

    There are some who dont respond to chiropractic treatment, and some who the chiropractors themselves identify as not suitable. For me it works fine and I would not be able to live life as fully as I do without them.


    I'm doing my May Challenge - I may or may not give a #*c&

  12. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Minbun, FNQ, Australia


    Good Chiropractors are hard to find, any that display that 2 hands symbol belong to a club of thieves, avoid them.

    Physiotherapists and also hit & miss, my wife has one that works for her 'cos she has to be very careful with her bones.

    I have heard good reports about Osteopaths but I have no personal experience.

    I have a good Chiropractor.
    If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.

  13. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Pretty Sally Hill, Wallan Vic


    As a result of an accident where a bus driver misjudged some concrete kerbing and threw
    me off the seat, I went to every bone bender for twenty years looking for some relief. Finally
    a friend referred me to an osteopath and he is brilliant. Unfortunately his waiting list is up to
    3 months nowadays due to his popularity. At one stage I was in agony and went elsewhere
    where one of his staff members had opened up a new practice. This was a big mistake as
    he was not up to the standard expected and I was in even more pain.

    I have tried two other osteopaths who also failed to provide relief. I have an appointment
    with my bloke, 24th March, and cannot wait to see him.

    I swear by him - and swear at him. (when necessary). He once told me that most patients
    tense up whilst being manipulated but I was an exception by telling him jokes when tied up
    in a figure eight etc. The secret is to relax to allow him to do his work.

    He is located in the Moonee Ponds area - PM me for details if anyone is interested.

    Life is short ... smile while you still have teeth.

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