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Thread: Depression

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Hello Everyone,

    I don't know how in the hell I've missed this thread after all the posting I've been doing over the past few months in a different part of the Forum. See my posting in the Triton/Gmc section under
    While I was out in my shed today I was tossing the idea over in my empty head about trying to get a more specific section for this very subject. Next thing I know while scanning the Forum's sections, I find this thread!
    Maybe it was the change back to the old set up of the leading page that made me find it.
    Anyhow hopefully we can tie these postings altogether and make some more headway instead of headaches.
    As for going off your ADs, I've tried doing it the easy way (cold turkey) and the hard was (little by little). Neither works for me.
    If going off them on purpose isn't hard enough, forgetting them and realising it the hard way is certainly NOT a suggested means.
    Starting and finishing the days in tears is no way to live.

    Getting a pet was a good move for me and a hard decision to make especially after the way I lost my last two dogs. Having my "best friend" around now has been the best thing I've done for myself in a long time, but stupidly as soon as I got him the demons in my head started me thinking of how I was going to handle it when he finally goes! Now someone tell me that makes sense!
    Of course it doesn't, but that's the sort of hold my depression has over me. I fear death...and not just his, but everyone else's. The mere mention of someone passing away, especially at what I consider an early age just sets my mind off into the dark depths all over again.

    Some of you may have been following my thread, but if you haven't then I would ask that you do. It may help or it may not, but then what is certain these days anyhow?
    I'll leave it at this for now.

    Take care everyone, please.

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  3. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Bloods

    Maybe the first thing is to test your blood thoroughly - and not the usual GP crap tests for sugar and cholesterol etc - if your middle aged, then you need to know your testosterone (hormone) levels etc, because deficiency's of certain hormones and trace elements can be the trigger or cause for depression (if its not reactive to circumstance type).
    I managed to climb out very s l o w l y over a number of years (more than 5) without the dreaded crap from the doc (prozac) etc.
    The first 12 - 18 months I used a natural herb St Johns Wort. It helped and avoided the addictive and bad side effect Prozacs from the quack.
    Time's a great healer, but it takes LOTS of it - there's no quick fix.
    Get a dog coz the outdoors exercise walking him/her will do you wonders, not to mention having someone round who loves you unconditionally and doesn't argue back or nag!.
    If you in NZ - take up fly fishing for trout... you have a world class resource at your doorstep, and fly fishing for trout is a thinking mans game - specially on moving water with casting and line control - your so busy thinking it all thru that you don't have time for any depressive thoughts!. It's a soul satisfying activity - if your not into eating fish, just let them go again and it doesn't require anyone else but yourself (and the dog) - no boats and sea sickness.
    You can pay squillion's for counseling, but really the $ would be far better spent on a dog and fly rod!
    Cut out all alcohol - it's a depressant - you can't get better and drink as well.
    My 2c

  4. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Glenrob View Post
    Hello Everyone,
    Getting a pet was a good move for me and a hard decision to make especially after the way I lost my last two dogs. Having my "best friend" around now has been the best thing I've done for myself in a long time, but stupidly as soon as I got him the demons in my head started me thinking of how I was going to handle it when he finally goes! Now someone tell me that makes sense!
    That's why puppies are made so cute.

    These two jokers are my ADs -We waited for 2 years after out last dog to get a wolf and 12 months after that for the meerkat.

  5. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default George

    Had to spend a night and day without my mate this week while he was getting "fixed". I hated to do it to him, but I had too many people telling me it would stop him pizzing in places he shouldn't.....everywhere but here at home where it's just he and I.
    He was still zonked out last night in bed and crashed across my chest with his face up against mine. I didn't have the heart to move him so I suffered in silence.
    Certainly not the most comfortable way to read in bed.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  6. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Good lookin dawg Bob,


  7. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Hard

    Hard to believe this fella,

    was too much of a darn sook, to play with those 2 beautiful girls of yours eh Bob!.

    I personally reckon it's darn hard to go past the Border Collies.
    I don't know if there's a smarter breed on the planet.

    A dog like any of these, should help lift you out of the funk...


  8. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Good looking dog that Laz.

  9. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach


    The black dog has made frequent appearances in my life and just recently he's been hanging about more than is comfortable!!

    Can't put my finger on why , despite my use of CBT.

    Was feeling very strange in different ways to those that I have encountered before and went off to the doc.

    I had another series of very specific blood tests aimed at having another look at my lethargy. Been on B12 injections for months and now I'm
    also on testosterone injections.

    Had a CT scan of the brain and as a result of that I need an MRI of the brain and an ultrasound of the carotid arteries.

    Over the last few days I have actually felt a bit manic, and that worries me. So far I have been able to control things but SWMBO
    has been on the end of some pretty poor behaviour so I need to get it sorted.
    I've just about had a gutful of the ups and downs so the sooner this is sorted the better.

  10. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Melbourne, Aus.


    I hear your frustration and perplexity Arthur.

    My two bob's worth is to focus on the root of the unwanted energy, accept it and take your signal for the next stage of your life from there.
    Cheers, Ern

  11. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default All good advice.

    So far I seen nothing but support and helpful advice in this post, which has boosted my confidence in everyone here. Although having said that, I never for one instant that it would be any different than what has been given so far. Total understanding and support.
    Hang in there Arthur, I know it's not much help just hearing that, but with all the so called "professional" help out there, it's really down to ourselves to fight this battle. If 'venting' here helps in some small measure, then I can only offer my good intentions along with the rest.

    From everyone concerned, I offer my heartfelt thanks and also a BIG Happy Fathers' Day to everyone out there.

    Also it's great to see so many other Border Collie owners out there too. They most definitely are too damn smart for they're own good.

    Unfortunately it looks like I'll be sharing my FD with two black dogs. One who loves me unconditionally, and the other... my ever present Demon.

    I thought today being a special day for all us fathers and grandfathers, I would be sharing it with my family as usual...wife, daughter, son and their respective families.
    I started cleaning the house both inside and out in anticipation of their arrival, and have only just stopped....12:40 PM and still it's just me and the "dogs".
    My son called early the wish me the best, and from that moment I should have realised that that call was all I was going to get today. I was right.
    I suppose if nothing else positive has come from this, "my Special Day", at least I have a clean house to sit and look at.

    All the best to you other Dads out there, and may you all have a happy and rewarding day with your families.
    I'm going to visit my Father's grave now and have a chat to him.

    Last edited by Glenrob; 1st September 2013 at 02:00 PM. Reason: tears clouding my vision

  12. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Thumbs up

    If I could easily visit my father and mother's graves i would.

    Dad suffered depression for most of his life. It may well have started when his father died. At the
    time dad was only about 12.

    Dad suffered what was called "war neurosis'' after the war until the day he died. He spent many spells in Concord
    Repat. Hospital and at one stage some bloody idiot wanted him committed. He was never a threat to anyone, not
    even himself. Thinking back and gathering history from the family I'm surprised dad was as sane as he was after
    the war. He was a sapper and spent a lot of time delousing mines,bombs and hand grenades.

    He was a great supporter of the community. School functions, Scouts local RL team and anything else that was for
    the good of the town. i think that kept him on the level.

    I suppose he should be my model for how to cope but alas things were kept hush hush in those days and people just
    got on with it. Apart from that I was too busy leading a great life. Of course it was many years before I truly realized
    that our great life was possible because of thousands of men like my father and thousands of tough and stoic women
    who were the wives and mothers of the period.

    You are right Bob - this is a good place to vent. I don't want sympathy and I get a fair deal of what I do need, from these
    fora in general and, in this case, this one in particular and that is understanding, encouragement and support.

    I just hope some of what I say is helpful for others.

  13. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Melbourne, Aus.


    Glenrob, thanks for your Fathers' Day good wishes.

    I liked the ritual when the kids were young.

    They've grown up and away. One sent an email on this occasion and I was touched by the fact that he remembered.

    Arthur, yes my old man was affected by the war too. He was a hard man but did his duty by his family acc. to the standards of his day.
    Cheers, Ern

  14. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sanstone Point


    Quote Originally Posted by Timless Timber View Post
    Hard to believe this fella,

    was too much of a darn sook, to play with those 2 beautiful girls of yours eh Bob!.

    I personally reckon it's darn hard to go past the Border Collies.
    I don't know if there's a smarter breed on the planet.

    A dog like any of these, should help lift you out of the funk...

    Love the Border Collies. We've had three over the years. (last one put down 7yrs ago ) Dogs have a knack of knowing your feelings I think and will always be beside you if you're down and they give you a look of...... Hey hooman, I'm here for you, so how about pat or a cuddle.

    They are certainly to smart sometimes. I was up laying T&G ceiling when I was building our house, when suddenly I get a wet nose on the back of my leg . I turned to see our female there all tail waggling and happy with herself. She had climbed the ladder to get to me.

    Hope this put a smile on your faces because that is all I can really offer, without knowing you blokes personally.


  15. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New Zealand

    Default The greatest possible news!!!

    But first a bit of back story. I know I don't know you guys very well but I feel the need to share my news.

    The next account is very upsetting, please don't read if you are sensitive.

    The root of my problems is my so called Father, he is over bearing, domineering and controlling. He physically and mentally abused myself and my mother my entire Childhood and sexually abused my Sister from the age of three until she was about 16. He used emotional blackmail on my Mother to control everything. When I turned 17 I ran away from home and for the last 25 years I've had very little to do with my Mum. She was not present for the birth of all 3 of my sons and nor was she at my wedding.
    Early last week I had a pretty bad depressive episode, lay on the bed and wouldn't talk to anyone, my Wife was so upset she started to write my Father a letter. The next morning I saw it and I broke down and cried in my Wife's arms.
    Latter that morning I made the decision to take my family down to see her, I knew he wouldn't be happy about it but decided that enough was enough and I would deal with him when we crossed that bridge.
    He wasn't home when we got there and Mum was over joyed to see us, I was shocked by how much she'd aged. He arrived home about 15 minutes latter and ordered me to leave, I said I wanted to see my mother and he had no right at all to stop me. So we left the house but camped across the road, playing with the kids while my wife rang the Police. When the officer arrived we explained the situation, he was amazed and went to the house to get Mum, for 45mins he asked her questions and she told him everything, The officer become more and more concerned and went into the house to talk to him, when he came out he was stunned, grant had told him that if Mum came to lunch with us the marrage was over.
    He convinced her to go to lunch anyway and then left (which was his only mistake) Mum went back into the house to get changed and I walked to the house to make sure she was OK, what I heard made me furious. He was telling her that the bond between a husband and wife should be stronger than that of a Mother and Son and that she was not to come with us.
    I exploded and started screaming at him through the window, he came flying out the front door saying he was going to kill me, I replied by beating the living **** out of him. My only regret is that my sons witnessed this.
    The Police came back, Grant said he wanted me arrested for assault but the Cops refused, and while Grant went to the hospital we grabbed all of Mums personal stuff and left. She has now filed for divorce and is getting stronger and more confident everyday.
    I am over joyed and am looking forward to spending Christmas with her for the first time in 10 years.

  16. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Kudos to you Kiwi75.

    Hope all continues to go well.


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