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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Port Huon

    Default Diabetes and Diet

    At my last diabetes check, the reduction in blood sugar (or whatever it is they measure), wasn't enough for my doctor. She doesn't lecture about it, she just says she's disappointed in the result i.e. it's all my fault (which it is). She did increase my medication which is never a good thing.

    I decided to start some regular exercise so now walk 6kms every day up and over a rather savage hill. ( about 1km in length for a 100 metre height gain - 10% gradient) Not as hard to do now as the first day but still a hard slog, especially when there's snow on the ground. A few hours standing up in the shed every day rather than sitting at the computer has to help.
    I've also been paying attention to my diet by, mostly, reducing the amount I eat rather than radical changes to what I eat. The only exception is to eat more seafood, scallops and salmon are pretty cheap in Tassie at the moment. Best thing is that I'm not hungry so no snacking - there's an unopened packet of Tim Tams in the cupboard to prove it!

    While weight loss wasn't the goal in all this but I've managed to drop 9 kgs in the last 4 weeks. If I keep it up that rate, I'll disappear by Christmas
    I'll give myself a pat on the back as I can reach it now.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Minbun, FNQ, Australia


    Good on ya.
    If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Thumbs up

    Good track to be on!! Well done!!

    More protein is good and less carbs and sugar - both of which Tim Tams have in abundance.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    moonbi nsw Aus


    Since the weather has gotten colder and I am drinking less (fluids in general and mainly water) my overnight numbers are up, compared to the hotter month's numbers.
    I know I should be eating less and exercising/walking but.....I was only wondering the other day how things will be in years to come if I don't do what is recommended.
    Just do it!

    Kind regards Rod

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by chambezio View Post
    Since the weather has gotten colder and I am drinking less (fluids in general and mainly water) my overnight numbers are up, compared to the hotter month's numbers.
    I know I should be eating less and exercising/walking but.....I was only wondering the other day how things will be in years to come if I don't do what is recommended.
    The impact on the body is huge from loss of sight to loss of legs and everything in-between. No eating between meals, cut down on plate size, exercise every day. I have had to do it, it gets easer with time

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Well done Geoff!

    I have been having probs with general sugar control and had my 6 monthly diabetes check last week.
    As a trial I have been on a high fat (yes high fat!) low carbohydrate diet for the last 6 months and was keen to see what effect it had.

    Result is
    - long term blood sugar is now normal - was previously high even with meds.
    - Every few days I was testing my short term blood sugar control by stopping the diabetes meds - control is fine - effectively don't need to take meds. Doc has cut meds in half.
    - lost 6kg
    - blood pressure down slightly - need to lose more weight
    - no change in cholesterol.
    - no muchies
    - less tired than before

    My exercise is walking the dogs every day about 4km and ride exercise bike for 15 minute every other day.
    Diet means means no sugar, fruit, grains, legumes, minimal alcohol (usually only once a week, but have gone for a month without it).
    It means heaps of above the ground veggies, and protein and fat.
    Still getting used to fry-ups for brekkie, e.g. elections from onion/mushrooms/tomato/bacon/peppers/bean sprouts/chillies/cheese/sausage.
    I've taken over the cooking and am used to the diet and only find it hard when we eat out which is not that often

  8. #7
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    Port Huon


    I like the idea of a diet that includes bacon! I haven't had anything fried for quite a while, closest is the occasional roast chicken.

    Still doing the 6km, 1 hour walk every day (not yesterday, too wet) and it's getting easier. My neighbour does the same walk as me and she's got the time down to 45 minutes so I have a goal to aim for. Mind you she is a lot younger than me. I found there's an indoor swimming centre just up the road so I've been going up there to have a swim and use the gym. That gets to exercise the muscles that walking doesn't.

    Current diet seems to be good, I'm not feeling hungry or tired. No bread, pasta, potatoes or rice, fish or chicken, occasionally a steak, lots of fresh veggies and salads and fruit as a snack (1 apple or banana a day). Weight loss is 10kgs in 5 weeks but as I was (still am) overweight, I imagine the weight loss will slow down a bit. It's 5 -6 weeks until my next check-up and I'd like to be down to 100kgs by then. I'll find out then what my blood sugar is, hopefully low enough to reduce/stop medication..

  9. #8
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by snowyskiesau View Post
    Current diet seems to be good, I'm not feeling hungry or tired. No bread, pasta, potatoes or rice, fish or chicken, occasionally a steak, lots of fresh veggies and salads and fruit as a snack (1 apple or banana a day). Weight loss is 10kgs in 5 weeks but as I was (still am) overweight, I imagine the weight loss will slow down a bit. It's 5 -6 weeks until my next check-up and I'd like to be down to 100kgs by then. I'll find out then what my blood sugar is, hopefully low enough to reduce/stop medication..
    That sort of weight loss sounds a bit too quick.
    Several dieticians I have worked with in the past said that the slower you lose the weight the slower it will go back on.
    20 odd years ago I lost 36 kg in about 7 months.
    During the first few weeks of the diet and exercise program I was able to lose about 2 kg a week.
    The dietitian warned me it was too quick but the first kgs came off so easily I was keen to to see where I could take it.
    When I stopped the I mostly kept up the exercise but rebounded 20+kg within 12 months and I was almost back where I started from within 5 years so I repeated the diet and exercise and lost 27kg in about 7 months. Same thing happened when I stopped.

  10. #9
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    Port Huon


    I know that rapid weight loss doesn't always work out but the weight loss wasn't the primary intention of the exercise and diet change, just a happy side effect, not that I'm complaining.

    As long as I can kep to a reasonable diet and I don't find the exercise too boring, I'll stick with it and see where the weight goes.
    All the tables and charts I can find say that for a male of my height (1.9metres), I should weigh 90kgs. I haven't been that weight for over 30 years but I remember that maintaining that weight was near impossible back then, I doubt it will be any easier now. If I can get to 95kgs and maintain it, I'll be happy.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach


    Good stuff Bobble!!

    We have so long been conditioned to not eating fat that it is very difficult to go down the high fat, mid protein, low carb, no sugar track.

    My own experience is very much like yours and I guess, that like my good self , you assiduously read the contents labels of any processed
    or packaged foods you buy. I was stunned to find that reduced or low fat in fact means extra carbs and certainly extra sugar - two of the
    very things we should avoid.

  12. #11
    Join Date
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    Port Huon


    Just got the results from yesterdays fasting blood tests and the doctor is happy (finally)!
    Previous (July) HbA1c was 9.7%, today it's 6.5% so under the recommended 7.0%.

    Diet is still working in that I'm getting plenty to eat and not feeling hungry. Exercise is certainly making a difference as I can now walk the entire route (up and back over the big hill) without a pause to catch my breath.
    Total weight loss since July 24th is 17.5 kgs. Weekly weight loss over the last fortnight has slowed down so the next 5 kgs or so I need to lose, make take a bit longer.

    I might celebrate with a steak tonight.

  13. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    I’m a type 2 diabetic, when diagnosed in 1999 I was on orals but none worked so my GP put me on insulin. I’ve been carb counting for a few years now, before that my levels were all over the place. Interestingly, I stumbled on to carb counting many years ago but was advised against by my then GP who said it was a waste of time??? I took his word for it and continued along with very little control for a few more years, hypos, hypers, just an everyday occurrence. A few years later I gave it a try, what a difference, can’t remember my last hypo. My HbA1cs are now around the 6.7 mark and I can’t remember my last hypo and I no longer see a diabetes specialist. I still take my book in for my GP to peruse but generally he advises me not to get my HbA1cs any lower.

    I’m a bit of a control freak when it comes to my health, I prefer to control my diabetes rather than let it control me so recently I tried the high fat, no carb diet. The idea is to have no carbs and stop your BGL from rising higher than 7.5. It works, but such awful food, no bread,,no pasta, no potato, no cereal, no fruit, no legumes and so on. Meat, cheese, eggs, vegetables and breads made from coconut flour, almond flour, flax seeds, gets awfully boring three times a day, not to mention just plain bloody awful. Not for me, I’m prepared to relinquish a little control in pursuit of a decent diet! The high fat, no carb crowd are highly critical of carbs and frown on HbA1cs above the 5s. Funnily enough their high fat, no carb diet is rich in cheese, cream, butter, eggs, loads of steak, bacon, etc, can’t help thinking they are just trading one problem for another.

    I was a weightlifter/bodybuilder and extremely active (hyperactive my wife says) for most of my life until OA and age caught up with me, When I stopped lifting, muscle mass dropped off fairly quick and I replaced it with fat so recently I tried the 5-2 diet. I lost 10 kgs in about a month and now find as long as I don’t gorge I can now eat pretty much what I like without gaining weight.

    I was diagnosed with PMR a few months ago which affects my wrists, elbows, forearms, neck and back, in short I’m in pain all the time and unable to use my hands for much of anything. So unable to exercise, I have again lost a bit of muscle mass and managed to replace that with a little lard. I should lose a few more kgs I suppose, but then I’ll just have to look at my wardrobe – again!

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