Can anyone give me some tips on replacing the Triton screw-on hose with the generic CPAP hose?
An old thread recommended this change, but I haven't been able to find it.

My Triton hose has had the usual series of tape repairs where the thin plastic splits on the creases, but it is now beyond help.

I purchased the 1.8 m long CPAP hose online for $19.50 + $7 postage, and it has rubber "cuff" ends, which fit inside the Triton screw-on ends.
Can these rubber ends be removed to allow the hose to be shortened? It is difficult to tell whether they are glued on.
What glue could be used to re-glue them?

Overall the respirator has given good service over about 6 years, and the original batteries are still O.K.

Another thread suggested replacing the prefilter with a paper cartridge type, and I will try this myself because the prefilter clogs fairly quickly, reducing air flow.

Any advice would be appreciated.
