Two blokes were out roo shooting. One of the guys fired off a shot at a huge roo off to his right, and instead of hearing the thud as the bullet found its mark, he heard a yell from his mate.
He raced over to find that he'd accidently shot his friend who is lying on the ground with an obvious wound to his shoulder.
"For Chrissakes, phone for an ambulance before I bleed to death, you idiot."
Old mate dials '000' and is answered by the ambulance operator."Are you reporting an emergency?"
"Yeh. I've accidently shot me mate and and I think he's gonna die and I don't know how to do CPR." he tells the operator.
"Before you attempt CPR, we need to see if he's dead first. Can you do that?"
"Yep, hang on a sec."
The operator hears a loud BANG.....Old mate picks up the phone, "OK, I've done that. Now what do I do?"