An old bloke goes to the doctors one day with a problem

"Doc, its my old fella. It never stops dripping. What can you do?"
The Doctor replies, "Well there is this new procedure where we take some skin out of the inside of your nose and graft it onto the end of your penis."
The old bloke thinks about it for a while then says, "What the hell, I've tried everything else, Let's do it!"
They do the surgery and the doctor tells the old bloke to come back in three weeks to take the bandages off and see how the procedure went.

Three weeks later he goes back to the docs and has the bandages off. After the bandages come off the old bloke and the doc are loking to see how the procedure went. All of the sudden the old bloke yells out. "Bloody hell it didn't work. It's starting to drip again!"
"Just wait." says the doctor.

"Wait for it"

"Wait for it"

"Wait for it"