A guy going on a business trip asks his brother to cat sit for him while he's away. A couple of days into the trip, he calls his brother to see how Fluffy's doing.

"She's dead. Got nailed by a garbage truck and we had to put her to sleep," his brother says.

"What!? Omigawd, no!" the guy says as he slams the phone down, hoping it's not true. A few minutes later, after he collects himself, the guy calls his brother back and asks if Fluffy's really gone.

"Yeah, hate to break it to you, but she's dead," the brother replies.

"You could've been more sensitive about telling me. You could've lied a little, you know, you could've said that you couldn't find her, but you were looking all over for her and you think she's on the roof. Then you could've told me some story about how she was on the roof then jumped to the tree. So you had to call the fire department to get her down, but she jumped from the fireman's arms as he was getting her down and broke her leg. Then you could've said that the vet thought it was pretty serious, but Fluffy was fighting valiantly to hang on. By then you could've broken the news gently and I would've been more prepared."

"Yeah, you're right, I was a little brutal there," says his brother.

"Thanks. So, anyway... how's mom?"

"Well, I can't find her, but I'm looking all over for her. I think she might be on the roof..."