Hi folks, me again, the Serial Pest from the South.

I've had a search around but haven't found any direct answers on this, so all feedback is appreciated.

I have a Hercus 260ATM and a lot of the work I'll be doing will be on smaller stuff, often aluminium. I'd like to add a collet setup to my lathe, probably ER32.

The options open to me seem to include a collet chuck design built into an integral plate (I'd have to mount this on a Hercus threaded backing plate just as I'd do with a regular chuck), a collet chuck with MT4 taper threaded for a drawbar, or a collet chuck with plain MT4 taper, not threaded for a drawbar.

Seems to me the MT4 designs have the best chance of centering perfectly (correct me if I'm wrong) but...will I need to add a drawbar? I've a hunch that I probably will, as I'd hate to lean on the workpiece and find the taper spinning around and marking up the spindle bore.

All comments gratefully received.



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