Hi All,

Have been wading through old posts (and learning heaps along the way - gets quite addictive!!), and just decided that might be easiest to just start my own posting...

We are currently trying to give our large, timber door kitchen a facelift without it costing the earth. The primary driver behind the make over is a dysfunctional pantry set up - 1200mm wide pantry with a 600mm fixed panel over half making half the pantry virtually inaccessible. After getting a few hefty quotes for replacing all doors to match new pantry doors (being such a large kitchen there are more than 25 doors to replace), we've decided our best course of action is to paint the existing doors and just get new doors made for the pantry to match the profile of the existing doors.

The exisiting doors are the rail and panel style solid wood doors with a single arch routered detail (very 80s). Not sure what wood they are, but as we are painting, am not bothered by the type of wood used, just figure it's best to go with solid wood for the new doors, rather than MDF, so that the texture will at least be similar.

I've had a quote through a Melbourne company called Melboards (Hallam) to make up a pair of bi-fold doors in radiata pine (Tesrol brand, I believe), dimensions H2000mm x W300mm for each panel, plus hinges, drilling etc - for just over $1000. This seemed really high compared to the quote they had previously given us for vinyl wrap doors for replacing ALL kitchen doors (around $2500).

Would appreciate any guidance on whether this sounds a reasonable quote, whether there is a cheaper alternative material we could use, whether it would be cheaper to go through a local carpenter etc.

Thanks heaps in advance - and sorry for the long posting. Oh and have attached a picture of the kitchen so you can see the doors I'm trying to match (troublesome fixed panel of pantry is just out of view to left of picture).


Attached Thumbnails

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...